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Everything posted by Tannadeechee

  1. I know folk like to wind up rivals, we are all guilty of it and let's face it it can be fun!!! But to spend money on a ticket in the away end to watch your rivals hopefully lose, on a day your own team is only 20 odd miles up the road is pretty sad.
  2. Fair play. To be fair other than the first 5 or so minutes, which had me getting nervous, I'm was expecting more. Not sure if it was us stepping up and showing a bit more dig and drive than we have for a while and you guys not dealing with it. Although, not surprisingly, I'm not too fussed just happy with the win.
  3. Sit in the East Stand, while I've seen stronger penalties not given (Broadfoot's two arm rugby tackle comes to mind), it looked a clear penalty. Would have been raging at a United player for doing that. Moult clearly held back.
  4. Sorry?? You were undone by, especially in the first half, having United camped in your half. If you want to talk about "cheating" Brown took about 5 yards minimum every throw (moved.forward 2.complete advertising hoardings on one), Connelly was too close by about 2 yards at every United corner towards the end. Your players were obviously under instruction to go down to rattle & frustrate United, thankfully today it didn't work. We can then add in the constant, no attempts to play the ball, jumping into players (Vaughan on Thomson for example). By all means support your team and complain at decisions that you may not agree with, but you will not go to ANY football match and see either team not use "dark arts" to try and get an advantage so try not to be too myopic. I will agree that the referee was atrocious over officious, and seemed to take some truly bizarre decisions with drop balls etc. but just another incompetent from SFA.
  5. Eh? Over 9000 home fans at the game. Plus Rovers fans. The capacity is 14223 minus the closed Fair Play enclosure
  6. I used to think you were alright for a Dee! It's not beating Raith that's the issue, it's being able to beat ourselves that's the big problem!
  7. It will be good to see. Unfortunately with our track record in front of big home crowds part of me feels I've seen this movie before. It feels like the 2014 cup final, we have the chance to do something, but we understand perform again & let ourselves down. I'll be delighted to be proved wrong though & will be going along hoping we do actually turn up!
  8. Not true. Raith were told the reasons, as Barrowman has confirmed in his own words. He just doesn't think, publicly at least, they are justifiable. Up until Barrowman's comments the only folk that didn't know the full reasons were the fans of both clubs. He is fully aware, he just chooses not to say. Keeping quiet allows.the shithousery to continue.
  9. Is it? Yes United could use it. They have told Raith Rovers the reason yet Barrowman says... *United have given us an explanation, after the event, which doesn’t really carry much weight, if I’m being honest. But it’s up to them if they want to make public that excuse, let’s call it." Quite telling that he is so enraged, so upset by it and so upset by the reason given yet he won't say what it is. He's not been shy in coming forward with any thing else so why keep that back? Is it because it wouldn't create the "rage" against United & the "their against us" feelings. Luigi Capuano states.. "We’ve spoken to all the relevant stakeholders involved trying to find solutions. There weren’t any. So we had to make a difficult operational decision to slightly reduce their allocation." So there has been some issues that have come up. Who are the relevant stakeholders? United, Raith, Council for H&S, Police, fans groups, who else? Having said that I too would like United to come out & give the reason and stop the nonsense stone dead.
  10. Fair play IS out of action, hasn't.been used for months. Related to the steel doors. Until that is fixed it isn't considered safe to be used incase it needs evacuation.
  11. Hope to god that's nonsense put out to see who is leaking the team lines. Goodwin's press conference saying only Holt out and Wotherspoon could make the bench. If it's true I hope some knows somebody with a classic fire engine we can borrow and flood the pitch!!
  12. The decision to close the enclosure, I believe, isn't solely United's decision. The required maintenance, not on the solidity of the stand structure, will need to be completed before the stand can be allowed to be used again. If we don't go up I suspect it won't happen & will only be done as and when we do as we probably won't need the capacity until we do.
  13. That is true, but navigating 6 rows may give the stewards etc time to react to limit those trying.
  14. Raith fans cannot use any other stand. The Fair Play Enclosure is out of commission until next season and the Jerry Kerr may well be used for United fans. Now we.were. iacuasing it at last Saturday's match and the Jerry Kerr was where we thought they should go, but I'd heard that was a no go but I don't have the official reason. There is nothing good being done for our club as you state. The Rovers crowd in The Shed will still be extremely noisy due to its design. I'm not sure the club would say that, it doesn't fit the narrative, Barrowman has previous for shithousery and is doing it again. He is creating a "United are rattled", "they're shafting us" narrative that creates a unified anger and raises the drive to want to beat us even more than normal. Much like the the Jack Hamilton "tackle" galvanised and lifted the support and then the team in the last meeting, he is hoping this does the same. No matter.what has caused this, I do hope that adult conversations can be had soon and there is no lasting damage to the relationship between the clubs once the dust settles.
  15. While I agree with some of your post, this line here I do take issue with. Raith have been told the legitimate reason and to try and create some sense.of injustice & get their fans more up for it have created a false narrative. Speaking to someone in the know, the drop in tickets is due to requests from police to leave the front 6 rows clear as they fear the potential of Raith fans on the pitch should they win. Whether that is justified or not that is what United have been advised and what has been passed to Raith. As such, it is a drop in tickets from previous game, but similar number to what away fans should be getting in the Fair Play Enclosure, but that is shut until the summer when some maintenance is planned, as home fans were supposed to be behind the goal.
  16. I would dispute the first part to some extent Declan Gallacher 154 premiership appearances 9 international caps McMann 185 premiership appearances Sibbald 109 premiership appearances Glenn Middleton 74 premiership appearances and 23 U21 caps Tony Watt 164 premiership, 30 Belgian top league, 15 Bulgarian top league and 1 Scotland cap Louis Moult 91 premiership, 31 English Championship & 1 English Premier League appearances Being able to follow instructions is a basic, not so much football but human life skill. Players in the Lowland League can follow instructions. These players have all had a large number of games at a level far higher than the Championship AND are being paid amounts that compensate them "appropriately". My issue with them is they are not playing to show the abilities they have, nor that they are value for money and the same job could be done by some one else for a lot less. This "they are in the Championship because..." annoys me a lot as everyone else we are playing against is in the Championship too. They managed to attack at speed, convert shots to goals at a greater number than we do, especially in the last couple of months. My issue is the bloody awful "Chuckle Brothers" me to you football that goes nowhere. Yes football is simple, but if you pass across the back to death all space is closed down. If you want to score more play with pace, get in behind the opposition so they are running facing their own goal. There is no correct way to play football, parking the bus, counter attacking, fast blitz attacking, long ball to a giant glaikit run through a brick wall centre forward, long ball into space etc. They are all valid, but mix it up. Do one thing all the time is predictable and easy to defend against. To spend your whole time worrying about what the opposition will do rather than what you can do is detrimental to winning mentality. With the budget we have and To some extent the players we do have we have shown at times this season the league should be over. The fact it isn't is down to Rovers keeping going and, to me, poor tactics, line ups and players not having the mentality of "winners" or arrogance of thinking it will happen and not making it happen during matches or a mixture of both.
  17. That's something Ronnie Costello on the Dode Fox has mentioned too. If that is the case then that is an even bigger problem in that the players are not carrying out instructions. I have at times watchd Goodwin on the sidelines & have witnessed a few "angry" responses to some player decisions. The big one that stands out for me is the Morton 2-3 loss at Tannadice. We started the game with all the intensity of a training match (again) and find ourselves 2 down. We up the pace considerably, go extremely positive, direct and purposeful. Get the game back to 2-2 with 2 quick goals. Fans start to think if we keep going like that they are on the ropes could be looking at a 3-2 or 4-2 victory. Team has other ideas, pace slows down, intensity goes and we plod along in exactly the same way we did to lose 2 goals without return and shock of all shocks we lose. If that is the players and Jim doesn't want to throw them under the bus in interviews then fine, but as said the behind the scenes "talking to" they are getting isn't working. I'm not going to say it is ALL on Jim, but some of decisions and player loyalty is questionable (like most managers TBF), as is the unfortunate double guessing and I feel "panic" about not getting promotion that is making the players nervous. It is also on the players in that they take 3-5 touches to do something other teams do in one, they are myopic in refusing to pass to those in space, rather to those with 2 or 3 defenders round them and they do not seem capable of realising and learning that if something works do it again!! Best not get me started on wingers that won't run into space,pass back and refuse to take on a man, or players in shooting positions constantly abdicating responsibility and passing to someone else before it gets cleared. You could be here all day. The more I type the less confident I am.
  18. 2022/2023.in Premiership ave attendance 8625 2023/24 in Championship ave attendance 7934 That's a difference of 691. That isn't bad considering we've lost games against Celtic, Rangers*, Aberdeen, Hearts & Hibs. Season ticket sales were healthy, all be it a bit down from last seaon where we beat our records STs by almost 1000. We also pocketed £500,000 from Aziz Behich's move from ASL to Saudi. Add in we have dropped £2 million in outgoings from July to December 2023 compared to the previous season. Shifting Edwards, Behich, Fletcher, Levitt, Harkes, Mulgrew, Niskanen & Erikson will have made a big difference to the wage bill as their replacements will be on fractions of their wages. We are on course to drop just over £4million from our outgoings compared to last season. The wages some of these guys were on was rediculous, Watt for example is on 4K a week. Our previous DOF chucked money about like confetti! Prize money is.far,far lower & we've missed out on boosting the coffers thanks to bottling it in the cup games but the figure should look far, far better for this season. Admin won't happen as the money is all due to Ogren & he'll lose a load of money if he does, nothing is owed to anyone outside of the Ogrens. If fat Tony and his hangers on hadn't left it would have been much worse. Coming to Goodwin, he stated at the Courier's "Evening With Jim Goodwin" that he could "only fail" at United. No matter how many points United win the league by, if we do, no one will say "well done" it will be "OK that's what was expected, now next season..." Add in Watt in his interview shown at half time during the televised game from Starks Park, mentioned the manager saying "do not lose!". To me this is the route of the problem. His failure at Aberdeen has given him the yips. He sends the team out not to lose, rather than going out to win. We play too slow and safe, rather than moving the ball quickly. If he'd take the shackles off I think we'd do better, but his negativity has spread to the players. I want him to do well, seems a decent guy, speaks well etc but I have absolutely no confidence in the management team nor playing staff in a must win game, and from what I've seen if we're in the playoffs we're here next season!
  19. Aye, but you'll notice I had only seen the fuzzy one, which looked like there had been no contact at all. I had then seen the none fuzzy one. I think it was a "get off" rather than a full blown "your fucking getting it" smack. He was being held down & stopped from getting up and annoyance took over. As said in the original post, intention & strength is irrelevant if contact is made like that. It is what it is. And thank you for at least having the courtesy of a reply and having a discussion. I didn't criticise Morton, you play anyway which gives you an advantage and rules are there to be pushed, Imrie did it his entire playing career. Players like that, if they are yours are lauded, when they're an opposition player they are the biggest chunts in the world. He wasn't going to be intimidated or be bullied and it looks like he has the team with the same attitude whether playing well or not.
  20. Aye what of it? Had only had the distance view of it from where I was sat and the fuzzy video. Looked at the time that it was a "get off" movement from Cudjoe and there was a massive over reaction from the Morton player, you don't move like that getting an arm in thr face. As you will have experienced last week David Munro had been utterly woeful looking directly at shirt pulls in the box and ignoring them, and quite a number of leaving the studs on after the ball had gone challanges. Basically 11 Dougie Imries and getting away with it. It worked and they got a point. It is what it is, he shouldn't have reacted, which the better video shows, I don't see a big follow through, which there would be if there was force behind it, but the level of force doesn't come into it. But if officials had dealt with some of the treatment dealt out to Cudjoe that incident would never have happened. It wasn't and it did end of. Move on and hope to never see Munro on a pitch again!!
  21. I had to rely on Twitter updates yesterday. What a howler from the keeper (so happy I can say that and it isn't about our keeper), cannot understand why he didn't push it over the bar for a corner. Well executed by Moult though & a good pass from Cudjoe.
  22. Be a strange one, signed a 2 year deal with Tranmere in June.
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