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Everything posted by Dons_1988

  1. Does seem like you upset them a lot with this. You should apologise imo.
  2. If you don’t laugh, you’d cry. The abe Simpson meme comes to mind. We are beginning to show all the cliche signs of a too good to go down relegation team. Next phase is the don Cowie revolution at county.
  3. Do these people exist in real life? I never encounter them. Even my most reactive friends don’t come out with this drivel.
  4. On a more serious note, a Sad indictment of this team that barring a st Mirren off day or a freak red card or something, I give us virtually no hope of taking anything from today. Much like the killie game, you suspect if st Mirren do the basics of their game right then we won’t be able to really compete in the game and we certainly won’t be keeping a clean sheet with the pressure our back line would then be put under. It’s anyone’s guess what Warnock will try on the line up and shape today. In Wednesday night the back 3 just made us completely impotent and didn’t make us look that secure. We still lost the midfield battle and we still shot ourselves in the foot at the early signs of pressure. I am actually struggling myself to pick a team to best get a foothold in it today.
  5. It just isn’t true though. Certainly not if you’re suggesting there was a collective feeling that we’d romp home to 3rd and European football when it all cleared. It just really wasn’t the case. And me being unable to challenge it without you chucking out accusations of being unable to cope with my football team losing games is shite from someone who’s clearly capable of thought.
  6. All this says is that you’re very selective in what you read to presumably vindicate your views on Aberdeen. I’m absolutely fine with folk laughing at us, but I’m going to challenge it when I feel folk are making stuff up or being deliberately selective in what they read or take it out of context to contrive a narrative. You may be right in saying that I’m too thin skinned to that, as it’s standard internet practice to bend a narrative. But I’m still going to challenge it. So is your big reveal that people hoped things would improve? Or that we had the capacity to? Is that it? I’ll stand down then, you’ve got us.
  7. Except the premise of my original response was that fundamentally I disagree with your narrative here. It’s certainly not been my experience of this season. But if you’re wanting it in disappointed teacher form - Vincent can and should do better if he applies himself.
  8. It’s ok Vincent, we’ve been here before. You don’t like it when your posts are pointed out to you. When you resort to condescending I know that’s where we are. Well leave it at me going for a walk to calm down from being so angry.
  9. I’m sure it’s nothing to do with being handy for the airport
  10. I’m sure you could support each of those with someone who said it at some point in the past, regardless of if they’re even attached to Aberdeen. Most of those are citations of Barry robson that were largely ridiculed by the Aberdeen support at the time too. Again, I’m not taking you seriously here, just being clear about the dishonesty of it. I could pull tweets, quotes from various pundits together and this forum, call it the ‘aberdeen journey’ and make out that we all predicted how shite we’d be. You are really just a long form version of the st Mirren fans who are desperate to be involved in this.
  11. Don’t worry, I heard Gianni is on VAR on Saturday.
  12. Hope Dave has the brown envelopes ready. It’s nearly time to invoke the too big to be relegated clause.
  13. Maybe a bit wise after the fact but I think we were always short in areas. There was a huge summer rebuild where we were replacing half the first team whilst simultaneously trying to build a squad to compete on multiple fronts so there is mitigating circumstances. But it felt like we didn’t really have the team to play the way robson really wanted, nor the flexibility to change it when we needed (I.e lack of width). I think ultimately (but not exclusively) though the combination of Jensen/gartenman just not being very good, Roos’ drop off in form and the ramadani shaped hole in midfield is why we’re so weak on a regular basis.
  14. If Warnock is below the benchmark you set for robson then we truly are fucked.
  15. I think this is pretty consistent with what’s been said all season though? It probably took a bit of time to get up to speed with how flawed Jensen and gartenman were and we all hoped Roos would continue the second half of last season form but broadly this has been the case from the start. The Squad was built to play in a way that lacked real width and pace. It seemed unthinkable that we’d sell ramadani without replacing him but we did. Polvara was never the answer, albeit he’s deserved an increased opportunity and he’s done well at times. LB/LWB was an issue from the start too with mckenzie being asked too much of, Hayes finished really and mcgarry injury prone and frankly doesn’t seem that great from a limited sample size. This is what made January such an abject failure from the club. Dithering over robson and doing nothing to address the glaring deficiencies in the squad. 2 or 3 decent additions could have really helped the balance of things but we did nothing (not counting Phillips).
  16. Also given he’s come in after the January window, it’s pretty explicit that he’s there to work with what he’s got. So he really shouldn’t be bringing it up but he is constantly. After Kilmarnock he said something like ‘it’s not my kind of team’. Serious alarm bells. I don’t think sacking him will help at this stage, but I’d be asking him some serious questions I.e. if you don’t think you can help this team then tell us now please before it gets worse.
  17. St Mirren are having probably their best season in their history and they haven’t been able to enjoy a single second of it due to bojan miovski and whoever was on VAR that day. It’s just not right.
  18. I hadn’t even factored in the 3 (THREE) points we took from Ross county before the winter break. Gluttony from Aberdeen FC.
  19. If you offered me winning the Scottish cup and losing the playoff, both to Morton. I’d probably take it tbh.
  20. Excuse me, in 2024 alone we’ve drawn with Dundee, st Johnstone, Celtic and hibs. That is an absolute abundance of points.
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