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Everything posted by Dons_1988

  1. Good post but...Anthony O’Connor? And It’s fair to say Adam Rooney had delivered on his potential when he left. I do agree with your post (and the subsequent one) in the main though.
  2. Well he does enjoy playing Ash Taylor up front.
  3. Random draw out of a hat, we get odsonne eduoard and you get ash Taylor.
  4. A news reporter on the British Airways Strike recently: "Staff are striking on these given dates, but people are asking me what is this all about?....Well, it's about...money" A stunning insight.
  5. Do you often get invited to parties where absolutely no refreshments are offered? ETA - in your hypothetical I’d still err on the side of caution. I’d feel a bit of a brass neck showing up with nothing, being provided booze and saying ‘well you didn’t explicitly tell me’.
  6. Sounds like tories willing to ditch the WAB to get SNP/LD on board with an election.
  7. Indeed it’s fairly simple. If someone invites you to something where they are putting on and paying for food/drink for you to consume then you bring something either as a contribution or a thank you.
  8. Ross county wasn’t far off and we stuck 5 past that team in Europe (forgotten their name). It’s a capable team when it clicks, that can’t be denied. It simply hasn’t happened enough including some very dire performances.
  9. He is justified in being annoyed but he can’t react like that and the club cannot back him.
  10. Labour are playing this like Aberdeen played Celtic yesterday.
  11. The guardian is crap to be fair. Although the football weekly podcast is tolerable.
  12. Fair enough but maybe tone down the doomsday narrative.
  13. Snafu has been possibly the most tedious person on this thread, which takes some doing.
  14. I’m with you on this. If someone invites you to a do of just about any kind you should be bringing something as a gift, even if it’s not booze.
  15. Resorted to your noble mission I've read this from you many, many times. Ironically because you lose your shit every time a non Rangers fan mentions Rangers. We know you're not an actual ***, but it is very weird behaviour based on very little.
  16. The fictional moral high ground you've built for yourself never gets old.
  17. Let's be honest if the police have a problem with it we should just give them the Merkland and the south in its entirety, it's only fair.
  18. It is lovely how raging their sense of entitlement gets them as soon as they see a few empty seats in a stadium.
  19. The entrance to the south stand and merkland stand are literally right next to each other with only one real route to the ground coming from the city centre. The police simply wouldn’t entertain it.
  20. I can’t say I get too excited about it. I’m sure it is considered offensive by modern standards but I think there’s far worse out there.
  21. Ramped up my running now that the rib injury is behind me, getting in 3 or 4 runs a week. Got a standard 7 mile loop near my house which when I first came back from injury I was 8:30/mile. Did it this morning with average pace of 7:45/mile. I was about 7:30 when I was at marathon level fitness so at least going in the right direction.
  22. Also well below diddies like aberdeen. Embarrassing.
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