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Everything posted by Dons_1988

  1. I’m sure that sounded clever in your head
  2. Yep. Completely ruined by literally cramming as many people in as they can like cattle.
  3. I see there was about half a page of relatively amicable debate last night before normal service resumed. Credit to Johnnydun for trying anyway.
  4. What I want to know is how the lazio fans worked out there would be Celtic fans at flann O’Brien’s
  5. I think Gary Dempsey could rock up for a trial just now and get a game ahead of Gleeson.
  6. Hell of a lot of people desperate to bury the guy over very limited information.
  7. People have a right to seek job security. There's a balance to be struck here. Players living year to year on contracts is not healthy. ETA it doesn't really help the clubs either, the bigger clubs would just end up cherry picking established talent for free. The vast majority wouldn't be first time transfers so not even a development fee involved.
  8. The fact that their reason was he made them hate the Jews is maybe a bit off, as his influence is way beyond that. He’s basically shaped how we’ve viewed politics/hatred/relations between countries ever since.
  9. Not disputing your stats, and neither of us are disputing he could've been in more goalscoring positions more often. But one or two decent chances a game you'd expect him to convert some of them. Penalties aside I don't really remember him scoring at all last season. And anecdotally, not supported by stats, there were a number of occasions where his finishing simply wasn't that of a goalscoring striker. Again, hopefully just confidence and a goal or two may change that.
  10. Indeed, unless they specified positive influence the guy was clearly correct.
  11. Aye, he did too much work outside the box but the idea that he never had chances is simply untrue. I hoped it was just a confidence thing but some of his finishing was woeful at times.
  12. Based on this thread alone the Saints of Paisley are far more likeable than those of Perth.
  13. Tbh I wouldn't support a salary cap for the reason that if that level of wealth is kicking about football then the talent should benefit, not the boards of directors, which is what would happen. If the wealth wasn't concentrated on a handful of clubs though you would see wages reduced anyway as individual clubs wouldn't have the resource to pay the ludicrous sums of money.
  14. Essentially yes. Thank you. Although damn you for articulating it better than me in a couple of sentences.
  15. I'm not disagreeing with all of that. This is not me defending the tories. I just think you are underestimating the ignorance of many voters. The official Tory party line is that the NHS is not for sale and they are the party to save it.
  16. True but I'm sure many are in denial or ignorant about the fact the tories desire that outcome. They of course strenuously deny it. I'd think if the Tory manifesto explicitly said we're looking to privatise the NHS and sell it off to the USA they wouldn't do very well.
  17. We do start every season top of the league though so its swings and roundabouts.
  18. Your original statement is that unionists want the NHS butchered into an American style system. I am 99.9% certain that is bollocks. If you were able to articulate and convince the argument quoted to a unionist about the consequences of living in a Tory run country instead of pigeon holing a few million people into a view on here then I wouldn't have challenged it.
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