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Everything posted by Dons_1988

  1. You wear green trousers? That makes you either a paedo or a Celtic fan.
  2. The bits I've seen of this interview he comes across as 1) a complete tit and 2) a man totally detached from reality.
  3. I have never hidden it but some people on here really do not like me because of it. I just do what I do, if other people hate me when they don't even know me then meh, I can live with that knowing that I will always do what I can to help other people. I just live in the hope that someone else will help me if I need it. Indeed, there is a very narrow minded view that a vote in the wrong may gives you some sort of equivalence to fascists everywhere. The Politics forum is particularly bad for this. I think it is simpler for people to have very binary dividing lines when it comes to this sort of stuff. Saying that, it is a shame you hate poor people and wish them to die.
  4. Once again, harsh but fair. I don't actually care that you're a tory. I find the disdain with which its held on the site quite funny though.
  5. Going to look into volunteering for that, is there a website address to apply to? How much training is required before you can start? Training session #1 - don't mention you're a tory
  6. Aye true. I actually rate him very highly despite his penchant for total f**k ups. Used to give me the fear everytime he started bombing forward on the ball.
  7. I won’t bore the thread with my story again but DA, read Tyson fury’s story or someone like David goggins, get it up on YouTube and watch them. People who thought they were finished and look at them now. I know how loud that voice is saying it’s too late, it’s the end of the road etc. And I know a few dafties on a football forum saying otherwise won’t help that much but hang in there. One day at a time, just start doing things that are good for you. Today, then the next day, then the next and so on. Within a few weeks you’ll start building momentum. It is never too late.
  8. Of course it’s shit. They always are. It’s designed to tug on the heart strings of morons (eg my wife).
  9. Moomintroll outed himself as a Tory and is still posting. DA’s posts last night barely even register on the embarrassing scale.
  10. Celtic fans booooooo Rangers fans are da bestest Whataboutery isn’t real...unless those evil Celtic fans do it. Repeat ad Infinitum.
  11. Heartbreaking reading that. ‘It’s too late’ etc is 100% the drink/illness talking. I’ve been there, it’s lying to you, but it’s very convincing. Thoughts with you DA, you will beat this one day.
  12. Falkirk you say, how does one find their results these days?
  13. She’s a c**t. He’s pathetic. Don’t ever say ‘manspreading’ again.
  14. I agree. It’s reasonable to assume he would remember something like that. Innocent.
  15. So you mistakenly thought I was referring to you. Let’s leave this pointless meeting of minds at that.
  16. Quite an odd response. I have no love for the OF, you know this. But some lose all rationality over the issue, you know that too. The last question is bizarre, you responded to me as if my original post was addressing you, when actually nothing I’ve said had anything to do with you.
  17. Are you speaking for everyone on the site or are you assuming I’m referring to you again?
  18. I wasn’t responding to anything you said, I haven’t even seen the clip. There are people on this site who are blinded by hatred of all things OF. That is a fact.
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