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Everything posted by Dons_1988

  1. I don’t think mentioning the ref is a crime. If Clancy does his job first half we win the game, don’t think that’s too arguable a fact. Mcinnes also said we’ve no one to blame but ourselves that we didn’t win.
  2. Not sure many have blamed the ref at all. As has been mentioned the biggest referee heads gone did not come from an aberdeen fan.
  3. I did the Stirling half in 1 hr 45 in warm up for marathon. Converting it into a sub 4 hour marathon was a much harder task!
  4. Signed up to another marathon for next year, strangely buzzing for it given how much Edinburgh hurt. Got best part of a year to train but want to shave a chunk of time off. Did Edinburgh in 4h 16 minutes (target had been under 4 hours [emoji17]) so first goal is under 4 but would like to push beyond that. Any tips on taking training to next level?
  5. What objectives are we exceeding (given the main rivals you stated earlier have self destructed most of the season)? Sorry if you find my criticism 'week' but it isn't a simple case of 'it might get worse in future'. It's performing an assessment of the team based on what I've seen to date and there are definitely warning signs. Clearly you haven't read the multiple times I've stated I'm a supporter of Mcinnes and think he can improve things. In any case, your original argument was that Mcinnes is the greatest thing since sliced bread so the board shouldn't bother criticising or asking for more because Aberdeen should just be grateful. This would be a failing in any workplace regarding a key role, never mind an environment such as football.
  6. Ah yes, I remember them. On face value 3rd is meeting the seasons objectives. Dig a little deeper (or watch us) and we could be doing much better. We're 14 games in and find ourselves in 3rd due to plenty teams slitting their own throats at every turn. The warning signs are there that 3rd is far from guaranteed.
  7. I am a supporter of Mcinnes but he is underperforming by his own standards. This is not up for debate for anyone who watches us regularly. And no offence...but your comments suggest you have barely watched us at all. If I had to guess I would say you were an OF fan with the dinosaur mentality that all diddies should be creaming their pants at sitting in 3rd place (after 14 games FFS). 'Deluded self entitlement of a typical Aberdeen fan' also suggests you are not worth the time of day.
  8. I do believe he's been a success and a hugely positive figure for the club, outstanding and massive may be going a little over the top though. To give balance to your argument...In the current climate finishing third is meeting our objectives, it isn't similar to winning the title. And we did finish 4th last season behind Kilmarnock. We can't expect to finish above the OF but we can expect to have a level of consistency against the rest of the league which keeps us reasonably in touch. We can also expect that our efforts against those sides would be significantly better than they have been in our two pathetic attempts this season. Cups have been positive in the number of finals/semi finals we've been in but there's been some noteable failures too. But ultimately, he can't just be judged on historic achievements. He is the best we've had since Fergie but it's fair to say he is not performing to that level currently. It isn't healthy in any organisation for there to be a prevailing attitude of 'we can't do any better so we'll turn a blind eye to the fact they're under-performing'. People need incentivised to keep building on success. I believe he can salvage it over time but others don't. There is no doubt things need to improve.
  9. Even as a supporter of Mcinnes I feel this is a dumb post. No offence.
  10. It does sound like that. All seems great in theory but I always remain sceptical about these things.
  11. There's some conflicting statements going on here. If the point is you don't need the gym to stay healthy then obviously that is true, there are loads of different ways to exercise. That is very different from a statement that 'the gym is shite'. It's clearly not. It depends on what your goals are and what you enjoy. And being healthy very heavily depends on your diet too regardless of exercise. There is some utter bellends at the gym obviously but most people at mine keep themselves to themselves.
  12. Atlanta United could be disappointed when we reveal to them our knowledge of players across Europe.
  13. I must admit I don't hate 'game management' as much as some do on here but it was pretty criminal yesterday. That St Johnstone defence was as solid as a chocolate kettle and it was criminal how little we tested them. The game should've been put to bed a long time before it all kicked off. I also think Mcinnes is slightly skewed by his desire to get minutes into Bryson. I think he's desperate to get him fit and playing at his best as soon as he can, hence the change came so early. As we were winning it was always going to be a striker sacrificed. It was a poor decision and he needs to reflect on that.
  14. This is more a PTTGOYN than terrible journalism but the Scottish football paper round up on BBC sport this morning, the first two items are Marco Silva getting sacked from Everton (Davie Moyes linked) and John Mcginn's future at Aston Villa. Appreciate that it's to do with Scottish individuals but don't really see it as Scottish football news as such or they could at least hide it away at the bottom.
  15. I'm well aware of the justification for it, I still think it's shite, as much as I do the shite terms used by the other team. Is your name Robert Paulson?
  16. I believe Calipers are the best way to measure it but I've never used them myself. The scales are an estimate but if you measured it everyday for a few days the average of that would probably give you a reasonably accurate measure.
  17. Hard to know how to feel about all this. Will be keeping a close eye on the detail of everything as it comes out over the week. Milne won’t be remembered with any misty eyes but he’s given an awful lot to the club personally so he goes with my respect. His failings are well documented though and ultimately he’ll never be remembered as a success.
  18. McInnes You are beyond a parody of yourself. Whatever mcinnes has done to you I hope one day you can forgive him.
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