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Everything posted by Dons_1988

  1. Can you acknowledge the difference between a lie and an error? A LIE IS A LIEEEEE, IT WAS MULISHUS
  2. Vote Dele He supports Dundee. Never would the term 'a vote for a race to the bottom' be so apt.
  3. My unpopular opinion is that 'OK, boomer' is another shite internet term that can be added to a long list of shite internet terms that are used mainly to flag what "team" someone is on as opposed to making any sort of point. See also snowflake, gammon, social justice warrior etc.
  4. Not convinced this will work out very well for spurs to be honest.
  5. Moomintroll shouldn’t even be in this debate. If folk want to dislike him for voting Tory that’s entirely their problem. Oaksoft is clearly a reasonably intelligent guy with some interesting views but has a tendency towards acting the c**t. Whether that’s driven by the abuse he gets I’m not sure. Malky is obviously a troll although his commitment to the Indyref thread is impressive, if not astounding.
  6. There is a kernel of a point in there, I do think Scotland has a bit of a culture of discouraging achievement. But it was entirely inappropriate for the post/thread and he seems to bring it up in just about every thread he participates in and can't wait to tell posters they are inferior to his elite approach to life. Plus in all of that I'd like to think most people take themselves less seriously on here than they do in real life (with a few notable exceptions obviously).
  7. This response to a flippant remark on a general nonsense thread suggests there's a large chip on your shoulder to be honest.
  8. Tbf if it's a payday loan you're talking 3-4% per day so unlikely to be a huge amount if it's just to get you to payday over 3-4 days
  9. Peter Grant is up there with Bonner in the absolute thick c**t stakes. Good grief.
  10. Game of the weekend for me, should be a good one.
  11. Said it before but exercise has done far more for me fighting mental health issues than any NHS treatment I was offered over 8/9 years. Works been a bit more stressful recently and made some mistakes that can often be the start of a bad cycle for me. Went for a run this morning pre work and it has absolutely cleared my head for the day coming. Couldn't recommend it enough.
  12. Yes Robbie, this site has had this argument about 1000 times. It's not that interesting and you're not exactly coming across as an intelligent, enlightened individual yourself.
  13. It's a fairly moot argument. Those on either side of the debate will never change their mind and it isn't that big a deal in my mind. We still have a club called Rangers, we still have the same horrible duopoly driven by the same motivations as before.
  14. This is exactly what I'm talking about. Most places invite visitors to enjoy the local produce. Perth? Not a bit of it.
  15. Tam has highlighted the bitterness towards Aberdeen amongst the people of Perth, making it a toxic place to travel on Sunday. I will still make the journey but would urge all fellow reds to be vigilant and stay safe.
  16. If moomintory could just vote like a functioning member of humanity it wouldn’t have happened. Burn the moomin.
  17. Maybe they just choose a fixture every few months so they can say 'THIS is why we only show the OF'.
  18. Sky must have been enthused by the many classics between the sides over the years. Cosgrove can have a good afternoon if we play in the right way, if we decide to lump it to him from the centre half position with no one around him we'll struggle. I'll say difficult afternoon, 1-1 draw.
  19. Any idea why this is a Sunday match? I will be attending anyway, looking forward to friendly discourse with the St Johnstone fans of P&B as ever.
  20. Agreed, the scorn and exclusion from society that comes with one of them would be unbearable. I'd go with the jail time for the alternative.
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