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Everything posted by Dons_1988

  1. Smart to go for someone with experience of taking some absolute diddies above a formidable Jack Ross club.
  2. Are the accounts out for sad b*****d (my) consumption?
  3. Yeah, encroachment has always been the rule and it has been enforced (albeit inconsistently) for years.
  4. I am absolutely stunned that Celtic are comfortably winning the head to head with Hamilton across the history of Scottish football.
  5. Won't be long until Levein appoints himself again.
  6. "We had a manager for a couple of years that didn't win absolutely everything"
  7. Yeah that's right. Write down the things in your life you want to fix and start setting tangible goals to fix them. You don't have to fix it overnight, just getting started and on the right path will immediately make you feel better. Goggins talks a lot about patience and being willing to go to the bad place to get through the hard times. So no quick fixes, identify where you want to get to and get to work.
  8. He wouldn't feel good about it I doubt. There's more fundamental issues with European prize money and its impact on domestic competition at play than just a different team being given the opportunity to earn it.
  9. 40 minutes to wait to see if this comes to pass. Nerve shredding.
  10. Quite a weird way to make a point but quite laughable to reduce Kincardine's confederate flag as 'using racism as banter'. I am a nationalist but I do see the point he says he's intending to make to be honest, even if it's a slightly strange way to go about it.
  11. To be honest from reading both your posts I think you're someone on the cusp of sorting all this out. You seem very self aware and taking actions to improve things, even if you haven't been able to target it quite in the right place yet. I see myself in you, I used to (still sometimes do) found myself despairing at the actions of others at work or in life in general even though I didn't feel I'd done anything to them. There needs to be an acceptance that you can only really do you, you can't control others. And as you say, they're probably just as messed up! Don't be drawn towards 'friends' you know are arseholes just because you've felt loneliness etc. I've made that mistake, I hated myself so I forced myself to go to football etc with people who were a negative influence. I was a figure of ridicule when I was a fat f**k, not that I mind having the piss taken out of me, but no one ever realised that I got fat because I'd given up on myself and just stopped looking after myself, they just wanted their laughs. Get comfortable spending time alone, build your self confidence and self motivation then start meeting people. Then you'll be confident enough to know who is worth your time and who isn't. That sounds a bit isolationist but I left all the whatsapp groups I was in, stopped going to big group events and immediately noticed the absence of the constant negativity. And you know what? The mates who gave a shit about me I ended up seeing and speaking to regularly anyway, whilst the dickheads disappeared. Sorry that possibly wasn't very coherent but happy to talk in more detail if you like. Also have you read Goggins book/listened to audiobook, well worth partaking in if you've only done youtube videos etc up to now.
  12. Good man. Do post more in the depression thread, everyone in there will offer decent advice if they can.
  13. I was actually asking, I haven’t seen any of his work.
  14. Depends what you mean by fat. If we’re talking a bit chubby then yeah I agree. If we’re talking actually risk to your health levels then not so much. Ultimately though it’s up to the individual. Whether or not someone accepts their weight it’s never helpful to actively abuse someone for being fat.
  15. It is difficult. Fat shaming is clearly unhelpful. That doesn’t mean people should accept being fat. The reality is people need to be honest enough with themselves that they are overweight and it’s bad but measured enough to know that it’s a problem that can be solved and it isn’t the end of the world.
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