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Everything posted by Dons_1988

  1. Indeed, it isn't really something you should have to justify.
  2. I used to break down watching the news. I’d see so many people in genuinely awful circumstances and start battering myself for being miserable when in reality nothing was “actually” wrong with my life. It’s pretty normal for anyone suffering to have those moments of crying. It’s a natural body function and it helps. You probably don’t realise it’s just a build up of emotion that has erupted at an unexpected moment.
  3. Maurice Ross is such a *** it makes your skin crawl.
  4. Not sure Laura kuenssberg is a ‘prominent far right’ voice to be honest.
  5. Look after yourself al. Don’t waste too much energy berating yourself for feeling shite. Been there, done that. Nearly packed it all in. Time to be selfish and look after yourself, do whatever you need to help yourself whether it’s medical or otherwise. Share whatever you like on here, we’re all absolute reprobates so nothing to be embarrassed or apologetic for.
  6. You’re becoming a parody of yourself and your position on this is laughable. You’ve gone way too far down the rabbit hole. You’ll thank me later.
  7. MJC making a brave prediction that Rangers will win a Scottish Premiership match that's not versus Celtic. So bold.
  8. He's clearly a defender trying to make midfield work. He gets himself about and can do the defensive work but several times on Saturday we had opportunities to counter and he is clearly lacking ability to play the necessary forward passes. I think as well against Rangers it was very clear that neither Leigh or Vyner have the positional sense for midfield. Davis and Jack in that first 40 minutes were taking our midfield completely out the game with one or two simple passes as we were all over the shop. Ferguson needs some support instead of being the only actual midfielder we have playing just now.
  9. Fair enough. I've made progress but I'm still improving. I too still drink too much when I do it, it's just become a very minor part of life now. Syaing that, my work Xmas do is on Thursday and I get nervous that it will f**k up my routine, so it's just about being disciplined with myself, even if it means not drinking Thursday.
  10. You seem to have this rather arrogant view that you're the only one who remembers Scottish football is depressingly distorted to favour two horrible teams, despite the fact it gets discussed on the forum on a daily basis. Folk watched the domestic cup final yesterday and took as much joy from it as was possible. If you spend your time worrying that laughing too much makes you 'pro Celtic' then you sir have got yourself lost in the hideous OF bubble that is Scottish football.
  11. Probably not what you're after as I haven't given it up, but I have changed my fundamental relationship with it significantly over the past 15 months. I now only allow myself a drink once a week and it comes if I've met my goals for that week. So on a Sunday I set out all the workouts I want to do during the week, diet targets, targets at work, everything. Come Saturday evening if I've done all that then I allow myself a few reward beers. And the next most key thing is that Sunday morning there is no wallowing in a hangover, I must get up, exercise and generally just get shit done so that on Monday I'm ready to go full tilt again. If I drink after I've had a shit day, or because I'm stressed, bored, if it's going to impair my ability to do things the following day then it's going to end badly for me. End of story, so I just don't do it. I'd love to spend Sundays in a pub watching football but it would be a seriously bad idea. When I damaged my rib in the summer I drank more, sometimes to dull the pain I was in and because I couldn't sleep. It tore my mental health to shreds for a couple of weeks. That probably didn't help but the point is you don't necessarily need to bin it completely, just understand how it affects you and when. Alternatively, giving it up may be the best thing for you. I may reach that point one day too. Just try and not beat yourself up too much for having a heavy weekend. Forget it, move forward, do what you can do today then move onto the next day.
  12. Lot of shite. That was fucking hilarious today and I make no apologies for it.
  13. Hold on. I’ve just seen Bennett say Celtic were outstanding.
  14. Just when I thought that game couldn’t have delivered much more hilarity, wee jacko breaks down at full time. Great day.
  15. Fucking hell haven’t laughed this much at football in a long time.
  16. The wives and girlfriends of govan are now making their way to the shelter.
  17. Was thinking the same. You’d think stopping the bleeding in midfield would be the priority.
  18. Scott Bain in goals and this one would be dead and buried
  19. Turnstiles can be tricky for a first time user too. Would recommend doing this at a lower profile fixture with less people.
  20. Reckon there’s going to be some very angry UVF volunteers tonight.
  21. Can’t really fathom why Lennon thought Morgan as striker was a good idea.
  22. First time jacko tracks back in his career and he’s hurt himself. How sad.
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