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Everything posted by Dons_1988

  1. Not all unionists support Brexit, not all unionists are tories. It is not as binary as you are making out.
  2. I’m guessing there are many ‘yoons’ who have no desire for this whatsoever. Sweeping generalisations like this don’t help anyone. Within the uk or as an independent Scotland we must avoid an American model of healthcare at all costs. It is obscene.
  3. It's the conflict between those who see football/sport as a sporting contest or as an entertainment industry. The original charters will have been written before TV companies and others realised they could make a fortune out of football. Those who see it as entertainment are happy to have the money remain in the upper echelons of the game so clubs can assemble elite squads and play the most entertaining football out there, including regularly scudding the 'diddies' of whatever league involved. As I mentioned earlier in the thread, the TV market is for the casual fan, the ones who just want to see good football, a team that's winning before they change the channel onto whatever Netflix series they're watching. The match going, toughing it out through thick and thin with their local team fan forms such a small % of the global audience that they don't matter.
  4. @Moomintroll is nowhere near the front of the queue of P&Bers needing cancelled tbh.
  5. That is what I meant but didn't feel it was worth getting into a debate over.
  6. A repeat of Motherwell scoring when they were meant to give the ball back here please. This time to win the game.
  7. Indeed, the final shows the fine margins here too. It worked to an extent against Celtic but we conceded late in the first half and never really looked like scoring so criticism then follows.
  8. Struggle to believe there is a conscious reluctance to employ black managers. I think it's more likely that there's a reluctance to give opportunities to those with little experience given the short term demands at football clubs. And unfortunately due to historic issues there are very few experienced black managers out there.
  9. I must admit I'm not sure what the BBC get out of this boycott. 'We refuse to come to Ibrox, except we're still going to cover Rangers extensively, just in an infinitely more amateurish way'.
  10. Sorry lads, it's Monday and all that. Oh Ali, why can't we just be friends?
  11. For this to happen the SPFL would need to acknowledge st Johnstone as utter diddy dross and allow them a fixture during the international break. Plausible IMO.
  12. The only 'good' thing about an OF final is that it might actually be close. Depressingly, either one of them vs a diddy this season is likely to be a total non event like yesterday. It's going back to the point where you almost can't be arsed with making a semi if you're up against one of them, such is the effort involved to more than likely see your side get pumped. As has been said, it is a terrible state of affairs for our game but those in the media and those running it cannot see beyond their showpiece fixture.
  13. Yes, this is the sensible answer. It can hurt pride a bit when you're significantly outnumbered at Hampden but you kind of just need to suck it up. Plus the league cup semi last year was absolutely magic at Fergusons winner with 30k Rangers fans absolutely silenced. We have benefited from this too, the 2014 league cup, even the semi final at Tynecastle would have lost so much of the day if we'd been forced to only get 9-10k tickets or whatever.
  14. Looking forward to relegation Saturday as the bottom 4 face off. A saints double would be just lovely.
  15. Who knew that Naismith was a cheating wee p***k. Shocked.
  16. My biggest concern over the stadium was how would we fund it so ot entirely surprised if it's true we are struggling. Best to abandon it unless the club can guarantee we won't financially regret it for a generation.
  17. I’m the same but there are people out there who are genuinely scared of them. It isn’t really fair to allow your dog to be running about doing whatever based on the fact you think they’re friendly. As the owner of a dog who gets nervous at other dogs running at her, it really is infuriating coming across such a dog. It’s not the dogs fault either, responsibility or purely with the arseholes who either have no control over their dog or just don’t give a shit. They’re probably the same people that don’t pick up their dog poo either.
  18. Let the boy develop. He really isn’t at that level yet.
  19. He’ll tell you McLaughlin isn’t banned, he’s just had press rights revoked.
  20. Trying way too hard. Killie struggling with being put back in their box.
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