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Everything posted by Dons_1988

  1. You are fucking lucky I don’t know how to red dot on the mobile app.
  2. Folk getting a telling off for red dots by a mod [emoji1] What a start to a day.
  3. Or folk who go to a Chinese and get egg and chips or some such.
  4. I’m fine. I’ve moved on mate. I’m definitely fine. I’m 100% not raging, I have no problem with that meek and pathetic surrender at ibrox last week. I am fucking FINE.
  5. He’s not correct. I’m arguing what you said.
  6. All the best staggy. If you’re worried about pacing I’d suggest starting at a comfortable pace and growing into it, you’ll probably sub consciously find yourself speeding up as you go.
  7. No one has been silly enough to offer mitigation for a 5 goal pumping. But if you want the ‘less humiliating annihilation’ trophy then congrats.
  8. James O’Brien, whilst his radio show very obviously targets moron callers, is brilliant at exposing the brexit fantasy. There’s a best of video on YouTube which has some classics.
  9. Yeah it's really all poison, although I have been guilty of it after a few drinks.
  10. You're possibly the least relaxed person on the forum.
  11. You can add to that the hundreds of variations of meme's on social media that are basically 'I was going to go to the gym but then I had wine/gin instead HA HA HA'
  12. The fact that he didn't start with the rest of the runners maybe suggests he didn't run the full 10k? Cheating little p***k
  13. Aberdeen played an hour at ibrox last season down to ten men and won 1-0. Yes it had an impact but you got skelped 6-1, accept it as a humiliation and move on.
  14. I don’t think the intended style of football is wildly different to say the 16/17 season when we had our best side under mcinnes. The idea has always been to go direct to the front man and have the three behind the striker get on the ball high up the pitch on the 2nd ball and play from there, then get the fullbacks involved overlapping. The problem is that the three are nowhere near Sam most of the time so the ball comes straight back at us. There’s very little tempo to our play so we become incredibly easy to defend against. The sitting midfielders aren’t taking the ball off the centre halves enough so we’re not transitioning through the middle either. The eventual outcome is us becoming increasingly reliant on set pieces to score and it is frankly brutal to watch. The question is how much of it is mcinnes and how much of it is our creative players not stepping up to the mark. I’d say it’s a bit of both. I must say the lack of flexibility in this style doesn’t reflect brilliantly on derek.
  15. I wasn't really being serious. I don't have any issue with Mckenna.
  16. That was by far the worst series IMO. This was 2nd worst felt like it was just laying a foundation for the next one though. Much like the Russian series there was too much slow motion cuts and trying to make it look ‘cool’ as opposed to actual plot for my liking.
  17. Making excuses for a 6-1 defeat is a bit of a minter, sending off or not.
  18. Lads, if you haven’t bothered reading all the evidence, and it’s all out there, then you have no business challenging mr o’rourke.
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