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Everything posted by Dons_1988

  1. Indeed, the idea that anyone who consumes anything harmful has no right to a view on climate change is the mark of a simpleton. Climate change is a result of human excesses and our inability as a species to moderate our consumption of just about anything we like, coupled with the businesses ready to capitalise on said humans by providing beyond industrial scales of supply to meet demand.
  2. Well if livi weren’t unlucky, we were certainly very lucky. That wasn’t a ‘sign of a good team’ performance to be honest, we just got away with it.
  3. Aye. The park next to my house is a disgrace. Take my dog out and spend half the time trying to dodge it. Getting a bit dark at this time of morning though, may have to abandon the park.
  4. Considines interview post livi was great. Very honest and I interpreted it more as him knowing we’re far better than what we showed at livi. We’re still losing tomorrow night though.
  5. She is annoying but I imagine to do what she’s doing at her age she isn’t just going to be your everyday sound person. I’m sure she’s not that bad.
  6. That 2014 team were absolute dirt, can’t remember one redeeming feature of that side. At least you have players like Allan, kamberi, mallan etc now who will win you enough games. I can’t see hibs being anywhere near relegated. Or hearts.
  7. There was a minutes silence at livi yesterday so you will definitely have one.
  8. People who eat cheap supermarket sausages yet find the idea of haggis absolutely disgusting.
  9. Are they? To me they are just flawed human beings like anyone else. I have no idea where the hatred towards them comes from.
  10. Indeed. A lot of people miss the point of the male nanny thing. The three of them get upset at a man being a nanny and then spend the rest of the episode doing girly things to the point Ross breaks down in tears at the end. The point being they were being all macho about a male nanny when in actual fact they’re all quite feminine in many ways themselves.
  11. Shout out to the guy doing the Aberdeen twitter today who managed to mistake Marvin Bartley being subbed off for Robbie Crawford.
  12. I was maybe a bit flippant on sitcoms as a whole. I do enjoy it’s always sunny. The main point was friends comes under this ludicrous scrutiny because of how popular it was. And the retrospective lambasting of tv etc is ridiculous. Fawlty towers for example is absolutely outstanding but parts of that would simply never be allowed today.
  13. Do you put any effort into trolling these days or do you find the scattergun approach works well for you?
  14. Third in the league [emoji1] The rest of Scottish football should hang their heads in shame.
  15. I think people forget that sitcoms as a genre are invariably shite. They’re full of lazy, cheap “laughs” and storylines designed to be as accommodating for the simple minded as possible. Friends only attracts such ire because it became so popular.
  16. Friends may be shit but it’s probably the most harmless thing on tv. If you find it offensive then take a long hard look at yourself.
  17. You know both Edinburgh teams are shite when they go full “we’ve got a derby!” On you.
  18. Let’s be honest this is because it’s on tv that saints have agreed to this.
  19. I take it these measures are to avoid filth getting tickets in the home end? So not only do clubs have to put up with the shite from those scumbags but home clubs actively put blockers on home fans attending games. Scottish football eh.
  20. ICTchris is merely a sheep, this guy is the shepherd.
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