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Everything posted by Dons_1988

  1. Fucksake did they really try and spin it like that. It’ll either be as you say or many sectors will have shitloads of unpaid overtime. You have to be seriously thick to think that companies aren’t dishing out paid overtime on the basis of the working time directive.
  2. Fury was lucky that wasn’t stopped but fair play to him for getting through it. I thought wallin was dogged but ultimately not that great and a better fighter would’ve punished fury. That was a horrible cut though.
  3. First run/exercise in 5 weeks today after cracking my rib. Managed 5 miles in 43 minutes with minimal pain although feeling the rib a bit now. Not at the level I was but pleasantly surprised that fitness hadn’t completely gone. Just absolutely delighted to be back exercising.
  4. Thanks mate. I will remain patient but might give JFK a call just to check all is on track. I’ve already agreed to buy a house so could use the cash.
  5. I love hearing stuff like this (the recovery not where you were!). A year ago today I was on the worst holiday of my life. Fat, at my lowest point and didn’t want to live. Turning point being my wife breaking down and telling me for months she felt I was there in body but not in mind or spirit, that she desperately wanted to help me but she didn’t know how. From the day I got back from that holiday I have worked everyday to claw my way back and I am completely transformed. It’s never too late and this thread is fantastic for it.
  6. I was once informed via email that there was a silver box with my name on it containing $10m at JFK airport, all I had to do was provide a few details to confirm my identity and it would be delivered to me. Still waiting but I imagine there’s a lot of red tape to get through with that sort of money.
  7. You’re hanging around with someone who uses a collective term for a single singer.
  8. BBC news sports reporter: “The ashes may be gone but England will feel they can level the series at the very least today” Surely that’s the most they can do?
  9. Having done the road to machrihanish several times for work from Edinburgh it would be an absolute disaster if traffic significantly increased with people driving to NI.
  10. Final year of his contract? That'll be his AFC career over. Shame for the lad, even if I don't rate him highly.
  11. Point taken. I refine my statement to 'I did not call him shite'.
  12. Don't think anyone said he was shite. But after last season I wouldn't have been convinced at you recouping such a big investment. He definitely looks better though.
  13. Totally agree. Shameful that he becomes yet another figure of point scoring for these freaks. On Both sides.
  14. I hope you’re right. But red card or not, it’s being very generous to hibs to say they didn’t get pumped.
  15. Yes, that's what I said Malky. Good lad.
  16. The responsibility lies with David Cameron for calling a referendum to resolve internal party politics, assuming he'd win and having absolutely no idea how to implement a leave vote.
  17. Whether you thought it was shit or not, It was a detailed plan to be scrutinised ahead of the referendum.
  18. To be fair I think he was referring to the media, and that they had no idea how good Kazakhstan were and hence slaughtered them for the defeat.
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