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Everything posted by Dons_1988

  1. Yet another quote to add to my 'Things I never thought I'd hear about Sam Cosgrove' scrapbook.
  2. I thought he was potentially part of the Greg Taylor deal Edited as I've made a c**t of it with the Hendry question
  3. Apart from the miserable fuckers who just love calling everyone shite, Stevie May was well liked amongst the support and people genuinely disappointed it didn't work out. His work rate is obviously brilliant but he got more assists for us than some give him credit for too. Whether he was asked to or whether it was him himself I thought he spent too much time outside the box doing work but even when he did get in goalscoring positions he just seemed like he'd lost the knack for finishing.
  4. Let us dream ffs. Hibs relegation in particular last time round was absolutely hilarious.
  5. The first absolutely comical but the 2nd is also brutal defending.
  6. Banks o’dee being spelt banks odee annoyed me a lot more than it should have in that draw.
  7. I’ve not actually seen hibs this season outside of sportscene so I wouldn’t want to try and pretend I’m informed or have a valid opinion in any individual player. However, the risk heckingbottom is taking is that if you bring in unknown players fans will have far less patience than someone they know in the SPFL. But if what you’re saying is true then yeah he’s in a bit of bother. It does seem like he’s actually a good man manager but recruitment has failed.
  8. Absolutely agree. There is quality in those leagues so I don’t really buy the argument that signing players from there is necessarily a bad thing. I think in Scotland were a bit sensitive to managers signing players from league 2 or 1 as we want to think were better than that up here but quality does exist. It just so happens that there’s some absolute shite too.
  9. [emoji23] “an attacking player? Oh fucksake ok, if it appeases the punters then fine.”
  10. What’s gone on with PH then? Is his recruitment just lazy? Players seem to love playing for him. Mcnulty’s comments on him being an example.
  11. When this happens it is the owners fault. If they are aware their dog is aggressive they 100% need to keep it under control. There’s a good chance the dog is so aggressive because of the way the owner has raised it.
  12. It seems our good friends in Edinburgh aren’t best pleased.
  13. Spot on. Really powerful moment in the Patrick kielty documentary that londonHMFC posted where he talked about the people who killed his dad being released but him saying if that’s what it takes for peace then so be it.
  14. Yep, utterly embarrassing the whole thing in Scotland.
  15. It’s a great watch. Very sad and very interesting too. I must hold my hands up and admit I never appreciated the impact of people being released from prison in Ireland as part of the good Friday agreement. My wife’s best friends dad was shot by the UVF. He survived but in Scotland we just don’t understand the horror of what went on in Ireland not very long ago. Why people feel the need to glorify it just baffles me.
  16. Your ‘enemies’ on this forum have accepted that their behaviour needs to stop. You are calling people sweetie wives. Wake up you idiot.
  17. And you are the biggest apologist hiding behind a cheeky chappy weegie persona.
  18. Nope, the vast majority of Ireland has moved on, both north and south. Don’t get me wrong, there is tension and division but it’s an older generation of people that are keeping it alive. My wife grew up in Belfast and didn’t know anyone who gave a shit about Celtic or rangers. When I go to dons games against either of them I sometimes give her updates on what they’re singing and she finds it hilarious. “Fucking Bobby sands, why can’t they move on?” Was a particular stand out. The fact is these people are insisting on bringing an issue to the fore which is utterly irrelevant these days. Modern Ireland wants nothing to do with this conflict so why on earth are these morons in Scotland trying to make it relevant on a weekly basis?
  19. Also got my tickets yesterday. Bring it on you diet *** fucks
  20. The funny thing is my wife is from Belfast and she finds the ‘rivalry’ in Glasgow hilariously dumb.
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