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Everything posted by Dons_1988

  1. I suspect this post will be treated with the disdain it deserves.
  2. I was thinking the same thing. Why do they argue so much over the wording, surely it can't have that big an impact.
  3. Very sad. In many ways probably a relief for the guy. Awful disease.
  4. I think restaurant etiquette has had its moment in the sun in this thread.
  5. I didn’t realise about the NDA, but I’m also familiar with Ricky’s issues, they did not begin at st Johnstone. I’d be surprised if he’s delighted she spoke up about it to be honest.
  6. “I support Man U because of fergie and what he did for Aberdeen” Do you aye? When was the last time you attended Pittodrie, if ever?
  7. I'm not having that, she's gone public and attacked him then hid behind this faux misogyny shite.
  8. So hold on, she goes on a radio show and publicly slates him over a private training ground incident, something Foster himself hasn't spoken about, he responds and she claims on twitter that it's sexism/misogyny because he made reference to her being his wife? Dear oh dear.
  9. It is a balancing act, you need to be ever present whilst not being a pain in the arse to the customer. This is where it's more important that a customer is just fair and communicates what they want rather than just immediately ordering whenever the waiter appears.
  10. Sit down, shut the f**k up, order your food, eat it and get out... that'll be a 10% service charge please.
  11. Quite astounded this is a source of such anger for some people.
  12. @MixuFixit specific example is rude, making a waiter hang around while you decide is cuntish. Taking your time to order because you're chatting, so long as you are fair to the person serving you, is absolutely fine.
  13. If I as a waiter need them to order in a certain amount of time then I need to tell them when they sit down, otherwise they will rightly assume they don’t have to rush. The mutual respect is where the being polite about it comes in.
  14. Their job is more than taking orders and delivering food. It’s about making the meal as nice as it can be for the customer. So yes, their socialising is more important than my arbitrary need for them to order in my timescale.
  15. I was a waiter in my younger years, this never bothered me in the slightest (unless it was after 10pm and I just wanted to get home).
  16. Seriously, what is the issue with politely saying I need a bit more time?
  17. We've had people in here called c***s because they needed more time to decide on a menu.
  18. Some very sensitive souls about restaurant etiquette in here
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