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Everything posted by Dons_1988

  1. Probably bill the do gooder who phoned up. Can't you see it's a worthless junkie, £100 please.
  2. But if we're leaving them to die we can't treat them surely? That comes straight out of my pocket. Maybe drug test at the scene by the paramedics and just leave them.
  3. Jail is more expensive so would have to left to die. Although, if someone is dying in the street and some do gooder calls an ambulance what then? Drug test in A&E and toss them in the incinerator if it's positive?
  4. She was fired not long after, for arguing with colleagues in the office no less. JUSTICE
  5. I also hate that. Especially the ones who embrace it as some sort of badge of honour. I once had a client who flew off the handle at me for no reason. She later "apologised" to me saying that it's just her nature, if she gets angry she's going to let me know about it. That's not an apology. That is also your problem and it's no way to speak to people, sort it out don't just say that's me, nothing I can do.
  6. I've never fact checked his stats to be fair but yes he does sometimes. They rarely mean anything though.
  7. All over two players none of us have ever seen play. At least RG comes armed with stats sometimes.
  8. Let’s be honest, in the end if hibs do manage to get some success or finish above us then we won’t be hearing about style of play, Aberdeen as a city etc. I think it was in the hibs thread they were talking about insecurity....
  9. He was signed as cover. He’s stepping in as cover (probably). What’s the issue?
  10. Oh no, it's going to kick off again RN, I am leaving the area
  11. Well they'd probably say if they have an inherent destructive nature why are you leaving them to rot and repeat the exact same thing again. Or do you just want to lock them all up? Euthanasia?
  12. I'm sure many victims of crimes perpetrated by junkies would be unhappy at a policy of just leave the junkies to it.
  13. Tibbermoresaint is absolutely right, we'd be a lot better off if people just stopped doing all the things that causes problems in the world.
  14. Sounds like your groundbreaking technique is to do everything that we're already doing, just do it better.
  15. We won’t be budgeting on qualifying for Europe as it’s so unlikely that we’d need to cut our cloth accordingly. I think we’d like may off the books in any case even partially.
  16. Sad thing is Juve are probably an 'alternative' club now. 'Well I don't support Man U or Barcelona like everyone else!!'
  17. Cheers, I must have missed that by two minutes literally just checked Twitter. Wondered if we might have given ojo or others carrying knocks some minutes.
  18. Any word on who’s playing at loco’s tonight or is it just the young lads?
  19. Celtic should be looking to have a wage bill/squad that has them winning the league and capable of qualifying for the champions league. A wage bill that virtually guarantees CL is unlikely to be sustainable for them, they need to be able to comfortably operate without the CL money. Transfer fees obviously depends on availability of funds, but also re-sale value is important. A player with no re-sale value is money gone and no guarantees of success beyond what Celtic achieve domestically. It's far more important that clubs invest in efficient and effective scouting networks to pick up talent before their value sky rockets. This is the key for the vast majority of football clubs. What Celtic need to do is have an honest look at the competition domestically and see how much of a threat it is. Then assess the potential damage of losing that domestic dominance and invest accordingly if they need to. Simply saying any club needs to invest £Xm especially when it comes from fans is usually nonsense.
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