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Everything posted by Dons_1988

  1. We'll agree to disagree. It's not worth getting into.
  2. You're seeking this stuff out. The only suggestions of racism I've seen on this matter are on P&B. The comments you're referring to, whilst a little insensitive a) don't seem particularly relevant to the discussion at hand and b) is probably in reference to the fact that Africans absolutely dominate most international running circuits, and is more of a recognition of their superiority as opposed to dismissing their achievements. The photo you posted means absolutely nothing and is nothing more than shit stirring.
  3. What a horrible little c**t. Death by stoning IMO.
  4. Is it not just the case that any significant world landmark is ruined as soon as someone realises they'll make money on it by opening the floodgates to humans.
  5. All in all, sportsound is shite. Close thread.
  6. There are differences to be fair. The acts, of course, are the same. However, Mcinnes was seen by the fourth official, sent off and post match (to his credit) admitted guilt and that he'd take his punishment. Scott Brown was filmed on a camera phone appearing to gesture towards Rangers fans (we know he did but an adept lawyer would make a case against it). Celtic and Neil Lennon threw a hissy fit and proclaimed a media circus was trying to get Brown banned based on little evidence. All things being equal you'd see a similar punishment given out but the circumstances are different.
  7. It's not a valid point. The comparison to Michael Phelps was particularly dumb. It's an incredibly complex case and to boil it down to a case of racial oppression is pretty crass to be honest. Can you back this up with anything other than the fact the people involved are the races you mentioned?
  8. Jesus someone has put too much thought into that.
  9. I think there's definitely an element here that Semenya is collateral in a wider gender in sport debate.
  10. People constantly bringing up Game of Thrones and throwing in little quips like 'Winter is coming' at every opportunity. It's good but fucking hell people let it go for a day.
  11. You're not trying to imply Willy has hijacked and destroyed a thread are you? Slanderous.
  13. That is a strange reaction from English. They’re not allowed to enjoy the game? They clearly witnessed something pretty special.
  14. I'm no expert as a first timer too but my plan is to just focus on recovery. A couple of gentle runs during the week to keep the legs moving but I wouldn't say I'll do any "training" as such. I did 20 minutes slow jog (8km/h) on the treadmill on Saturday before the half marathon just to loosen the legs up and think it helped, certainly didn't do me any damage. I predict I'll do a lot of stretching/foam rolling etc that week too.
  15. You don't have to be the best by a mile to have an unfair advantage though
  16. I suppose it depends on the outcome of the gender tests she had years ago, which have never been made public. If it's the case that she is simply a woman with abnormal testorone levels then your point is probably valid. If it's something more complex than that (don't think anyone is suggesting she is simply a man) then there's a discussion to be had around her having an unfair advantage. I don't think it's disputed that certain male characteristics would give an unfair advantage. And saying she's being denied because she's 'not like us' is probably too emotive a position here.
  17. I suppose at a time when gender fluidity is becoming more politically relevant (which is a good thing), one bi-product is that it is important to draw the lines with male/female sport. Although I may have misunderstood in that you are referring specifically to Semenya herself as opposed to the broader ruling and it's future impact.
  18. It is of particular gravity to those who's career it is though isn't it? I'm no expert on the matter at all but Jambomo's post seems sensible. In all of this though it can't be forgotten that Semenya is in an awful position here through no fault of her own.
  19. Purely just a recovery thing I think. I am doing 21 miles this weekend (3 weeks before Edinburgh) and that'll be me until the day, longest I'll probably do before then is 15-16 miles. I suppose it depends on fitness levels etc in regards to a half marathon but I know if i did 21 miles a week before the marathon my body wouldn't be fully recovered.
  20. Kev mcnaughton, now he deserved a lot more caps.
  21. Aye but players say lots of things in interviews. Should've had more faith in super Joe though.
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