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Everything posted by Dons_1988

  1. I went 4 days without a phone from Saturday to Tuesday (not through choice) and it was thoroughly enjoyable.
  2. Yeah that's not normal at all. Pretty sure if you went over their heads they'd be told pretty quickly they have no right to do that.
  3. Some little teenager c**t at the gym last night complaining that he wasn't allowed to take his phone into the swimming pool.
  4. Don't want to get ahead of ourselves on Hoban. A fit Hoban would be outstanding for us but selfishly, he's yet to prove he's capable of staying fit. It might just not happen for the guy, as sad as that is. Let him rehabilitate with us, look after him, let him train with us unattached, if he proves his fitness then let's talk.
  5. Short guy, glasses. Used to be a dreadful head of the SPL, a performance to rival Neil Doncaster. Tries desperately hard to be relevant in Scottish football by tweeting drivel.
  6. Fair play Kincardine, the name change to the thread made me laugh.
  7. He plays on the left, he plays on the right, Shay Logan, makes Celtic look shite
  8. Hardly, the statement is pretty short and sweet. We reject the claim, WBA haven't contacted us and we wish Burke the best in the future. That is not a Rangers grade, batshit mental statement filled with all of the arrogance and bile of Jim Traynor. Their tweets over Turnbull were far, far more embarrassing.
  9. If the quotes from WBA are true then I can understand them reacting, particularly if they haven't contacted Celtic. Pretty out of order and unprofessional if it's not even been discussed privately.
  10. Have to agree. West Brom obviously need to protect their asset but in reality the only reason they will complain is to try and convince prospective buyers that he isn't as shite as he'd made himself out to be. The guy is a good athlete who simply hasn't developed as a footballer, he is dreadful and has been found out at any sort of decent level.
  11. Agree with this, his work rate was never an issue, seems to have attracted this reputation. He could go missing in games but that was generally things just not happening for him in an attacking sense as opposed to him just shiting out of games. I remember in his first few months with us when he wasn't setting the heather alight in attacking terms I was pleasantly surprised at the amount of running he did defensively.
  12. This is common sense. But apparently someone nipping in front of you is more important.
  13. So your primary concern is that no one jumps your queue?
  14. It’s not about how fast you get everyone through the turnstile, it’s the disruption one long queue causes behind it on say, a roundabout, in the case of a road.
  15. Hit like if you want a war, retweet for diplomatic negotiations!
  16. Interestingly, in DM's presser, he says the door isn't closed on GMS, but he has to really want to be here, not just as a last resort. Gave me the impression that Mcinnes has pretty much moved on from him.
  17. If the quotes I read are accurate he does infer that he's chosen money over development. "“What we want is for players to be hungry and we also want them to come here for the right reasons, not just financially. For a 19-year-old coming from Motherwell who has played pretty much one season, the offer we made was very good. The reality is that if players come here and do well, they will be rewarded long term as the years progress. It all comes down to a player’s idea of what he wants and the representative who is advising him in that respect. If you do well at this club, the world is your oyster and that’s what we wanted to give him, but they chose not to take our offer."
  18. I'm with you. f**k that little rat, and I'm sure he'd say the same of us anyway.
  19. Working from home today. Mrs has insisted that she put a wash on and it being hung outside on the line despite weather forecasts that it’s going to rain at various points today. “You’ll just have to keep an eye out won’t you?” Fucksake.
  20. Let’s hope it excites us to the max, and doesn’t make us feel low(e)
  21. Motherwell have broken Romeo. Enjoyable to watch that unravel.
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