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Everything posted by Dons_1988

  1. Imagine having to argue that large numbers of people wouldn't be raging that a catholic signed for their football team. Then imagine that you'd have to take that argument with a heavy dose of salt.
  2. Ewen Cameron could give Romeo a run for his money at trolling attempts.
  3. Willy, I'll give you this...when you post, no one knows where it's going.
  4. I'm not quite as far as you but I now have a black coffee first thing in the morning and then water the rest of the day. Used to be several coffees and a diet coke throughout the working day. Given up all fizzy drinks (other than a Saturday beer).
  5. I think it was Livi at home last season he was doing some brilliant play outside the box, linking up, pressing well etc. Then he had two gilt edged chances and both finishes were pathetic. Pretty much summed him up. As you say, time to move on.
  6. We'll agree to disagree. There are obviously people like that but it's unfair to write off 17/18 million people as such. I just don't believe things are so binary. They will get what they voted for though, as will we get what we didn't.
  7. I used to indulge in a lot of red bull when I first entered the world of full time work and didn't yet like coffee. Probably haven't had one in about 10 years now and no intention of it, vile stuff.
  8. As true as that is, you may be overestimating the willingness of people to do independent research and thought beyond what's delivered on mainstream coverage. I know people who throw themselves into a rage over a tabloid headline without even reading the actual story.
  9. I think there is a lot of ignorance involved. Yes it's racism but a lot of working class people have been fed the line for years that immigration is the root cause of their problems. This is coming from mainstream politicians and mainstream media which is a powerful influence on the masses.
  10. Very much doubt we'll pay him off. It is feasible that we might waive any transfer fee if someone wanted him to get him off the books. Down to the player himself really, his next deal won't be as good as the one he's on now so difficult for him to walk away from that, although it might be the best thing for him.
  11. Generally one club forums are utter poison. You can only hope these are just internet persona’s to gain likes from what they see as like minded people. Terrifying to think that people walk around in real life thinking like that.
  12. I’ve been a big defender of stevie may as he does give 100% and contributes plenty outside of goals etc. However, he simply isn’t doing what he was brought here, and being well remunerated for, to do. There are a lot of strikers out there who will give 100%, disrupt back 4’s, link play and do a job (hiya Curtis) for a fraction of the cost. You pay the premium we’re paying for may for goals. Wilson is a gamble without a doubt but it’s one I’m quite excited about.
  13. I’ll tell you how he’s done since leaving you if you regale me with what’s happened to united since GMS left.
  14. Did not foresee this at the end of the season but welcome back jimmy Wilson. Looking forward to him becoming the champions league striker Man U thought he’d be.
  15. Much like Inverness winning a trophy
  16. Still a little concerned about the creative spark up top. Wilson helps, should he be fit and at it. But Hedges is an unknown, Mclennan is still young and I'm unsure if Cosgrove can repeat his goalscoring of last season. Mcginn is always a good option but Main has question marks over him. I doubt we'll see much of Wright, Gleeson or Stevie May (sorry Russell).
  17. You've posted the same hilarious and classy post in both the **** and **** threads, you seem lovely.
  18. He has the potential to be a good goalscorer, or as you say a mediocre lower league striker. The jury is still out. We need a diddy side to find that out for us, so please oblige.
  19. I suspect they're more concerned about being accused of not giving the Women's world cup sufficient coverage compared to the men's than pissing off Scots talking about England.
  20. I have been guilty of tailgating but only when stuck behind someone doing 60mph in the overtaking lane and not overtaking anything. I suppose this makes me a c**t on the road.
  21. Part of the problem of course is that the BBC have to keep up the image that all of the UK will unite behind all of their sporting efforts. Of course we will care about England going out of a world cup because its all the UK! As soon as they acknowledge the fact that people in Scotland, NI etc don't give two shits (for the most part) about how England perform in sport and thus only put that news out to regional viewers, it breaks their utopian image of the UK and that can't happen.
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