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Everything posted by Dons_1988

  1. Went for a shower at the gym last night and someone had left a used plaster on the floor. Fucking rank.
  2. I’ve never done it before, no. Cheers though. I’m sure it’ll be fine but now the training is done just had all week to think about it really!
  3. Starting to feel like signing up to a marathon was a grave mistake.
  4. So we're agreed Curtis Main will win us the league then?
  5. I had a pencil sharpener that was a car when I was in primary school.
  6. Sexist and ageist, quite the bigoted post.
  7. Don't really buy into the idea of making signings for PR purposes. We will see players come in this summer of a better standard than those two, whether or not that's imminent doesn't bother me. I'd like to think the club wouldn't rush into signings to appease the noise on twitter. Although admittedly they'll find it harder to ignore RandomGuy's views.
  8. Part of why Arya/Sansa etc are so popular is the feminist message of the excelling in a deeply sexist world. I don't think they ever set a pretence that Westeros was a world where equality was high on the priority list.
  9. You really are a bore with a weird obsession. Creaming yourself over something in the Daily Express. Main is a shite signing, Taylor is fine, and yet here you are.
  10. I think most will be happy to keep Logan but would like some genuine competition for him. Remains to be seen. Taylor will divide opinion and some people will absolutely hate it. He was a regular in McInnes’ best dons side and although he has his moments was a decent defender. His career since will also put people off. Again, let’s see what else we do at centre half this summer before judging properly.
  11. Signing ash Taylor isn’t great but really isn’t worth the meltdown it will bring. He’s a decent defender at this level and I was disappointed he left.
  12. Enough about Celtic football club and it’s supporters.
  13. I think some people are taking this thread a bit seriously.
  14. Dons_1988

    Breaking Bad

    Except the Sopranos and the Wire are both far superior to either GoT or BB.
  15. White, male, receding hairline, slightly overweight... guilty.
  16. Any excuse to mention 'gammon' on this site, isn't it
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