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Everything posted by Dons_1988

  1. Gusty? FWIW, I have no idea who the terrorist you're referring to is.
  2. No I think it's just when you started paying attention. 99% of TV is absolutely braindead drivel.
  3. Nah I can accept the stale argument, even if I disagree. I think some more unhinged people would have you believe he's been a fraud from day 1 though.
  4. I noticed that and good to hear. Although notable by its absence was a plan to fund the new stadium. I am still keen to know what the plans are there. I'd also like to know how they believe the new stadium will grow the turnover so much as it seems ambitious. As does their AberDNA target as from what I see/hear the numbers signed up to that seem to be dropping, not growing. I also get the sense that club have realised a bit of unrest re Mcinnes amongst the support as they are keen to highlight everything the club has achieved in his time with us. Although I tend to agree it needs highlighted as some people can't see past the last performance on the pitch.
  5. Will read in more detail this afternoon but glad the club have done this. No doubt some folk will be raging about something in there though.
  6. As much as this is a good thing, it's hardly the only talk show or similar show that exploits people in similar ways. If this is the route they're going down then surely there's a wider discussion to be had. Unless this is just ITV trying to make this go away quietly.
  7. It's very bizarre and you see it all the time, not necessarily with phonecalls. I see people taking selfies on the bus etc all the time, presumably so they can share on some pish social media site that they're on the bus. I had to leave whatsapp group chats because I got sick of being updated on what folk were having for lunch or dinner every single day. It is like these people can't just function without sharing what they're doing with someone, anyone.
  8. Went for a 5 mile run yesterday evening and it must have been about 19 degrees in Edinburgh. f**k that come marathon day, made such a difference. Bring on the rain.
  9. It's 'health month' at my work and they've just covered the office in reminders not to drink too much alcohol in a week. All so they can tick some box that says they care about their employees by stating the fucking obvious.
  10. It’s fine. Not very exciting though. ETA - as much as a new football top can be exciting
  11. True. When did Corbett go off the radar and undercover though, I had it in my head it was pre the whole Hilton thing.
  12. Yeah that’s a hole in the plot IMO and my wife and i discussed it too. AC-12 kept that recording under lock and key so no one else would know the initial and it suddenly became a widely used code name.
  13. Meh. Bit like the long night that episode was a decent spectacle but poor storyline for me. It’s becoming the show that I thought it was before I watched it and that put me off watching it. Hopefully they wrap it up well.
  14. Did an absolutely top notch shite at work this morning and thought of this thread. Keep up the good work, lads.
  15. These threads are embarrassing in the extreme. Are you both about 12?
  16. That's brilliant progress mate. I'd say if you're doing that on training runs you'll push past the 2 hour mark for the half marathon as you'll have that extra bit of energy.
  17. We're in danger of slightly derailing the thread so won't say much more but I think you are right in the above but only to an extent. There are people within companies, leadership too, who genuinely care and want to solve it but have no idea how. As I say, it's a complex issue, even having personal experience I'm probably not very well placed to tell someone else how to improve their own mental health situation. Ironically, for me the solution is/was to 'man up' and get my shit together, only I could resolve it. But you need the platform to get yourself up off the floor and be in a position to do that and I think that's what companies struggle with.
  18. Can only be a good thing. I see my ex employer all over social media bigging themselves up on how good they are dealing with mental health etc but my first hand experience of it was that they had no idea how to deal with a crisis moment and ultimately just wanted to wash their hands of me. I do have some sympathy, I think for people who haven't experienced a mental health issue or crisis or whatever, it's very difficult to understand what's going on and how to deal with it.
  19. You're absolutely correct but still a million miles away from it unfortunately. Government, employers etc I suspect have absolutely no idea how to deal with mental health issues. In fairness it's an incredibly complex issue as everyone's mental health problems are different, but companies can't just apply a blanket, one size fits all policy to address it so they're shitting themselves. The other sad thing about things like Kyle is whilst some go for the night in a hotel and free booze, I'm sure plenty go on because they don't feel they have access or can afford any actual help for their issues elsewhere.
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