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Everything posted by Dons_1988

  1. Unsalted butter? I hope Jeremy tears you a new arsehole.
  2. I'm just imagining that this guy has actually kept his VHS player for the sole purpose of being able to watch his glorious appearance on JK.
  3. I think it's harder to improve speed just by going out for regular runs. I've seen my pace increase quite a bit over the last 6 months but I think a lot of that has been gym work like weighted squats and generally working the legs and strengthening them in other ways than just jogging. Or alternatively you can do one interval run a week where you're 1 minute fast pace, 1 minute light jog for say half an hour.
  4. It's still taking advantage of said slum dwelling idiots, reeling them into something horrible with the offer of a night of free booze. It's clearly an immoral program but the sad thing is with any gutter tv is that there is clearly a healthy market of people who want to watch this rubbish.
  5. Presumably to investigate whether or not their experience being humiliated on tv led them to suicide.
  6. I haven't decided yet but bus seems best option. Think the train is a fair walk from the finish (bus stop is 15 minutes). My mrs is going to be at finish line but seems like the parking restrictions are pretty draconian so she's going to have to get a bus too.
  7. No no, it's easier just to be a miserable c**t about it until someone else makes it into the unrealistic proposition they want it to be.
  8. Yes, and they'll make a point of loudly finding it absolutely hilarious that they can't read seat numbers. "Too much prosecco for me! HAHAHAH" (takes another swig)
  9. What if Bournemouth just gave us a 20% discount on Ryan Fraser. Bring him home.
  10. I’ll be doing about 15 tomorrow I reckon but at an easy pace. Couple more short runs midweek then I think.
  11. We could do with a striker that turns up against Celtic tbf
  12. This story has certainly touched a nerve with the bhoys.
  13. It’s a shame jim Goodwin can’t be on more regularly, he’s always very good. Tend to agree that we’ll be hearing a lot from Darren o’dea next season.
  14. Can I add to this people who ask questions online/in a whatsapp group etc questions that are incredibly easy to find themselves, far easier than posting in whatsapp and waiting for a response. Case in point - what's the football fixtures this weekend?
  15. I do agree with a lot of those points, his intent may have been totally innocent. However, he’s surely smart enough to know how it could be perceived. And that’s all that matters these days really. I don’t like the witch hunt culture but it’s been going on long enough now for him to know that ‘that’s not how I intended it’ just won’t wash anymore.
  16. It really is calling card of moron stuff though. Even if you're a hardened racist anyone with any presence of mind would know that his tweet would probably result in almost instant sacking
  17. How stupid do you have to be to be a public figure and tweet something like that?
  18. Fucking hell, Kincardine just called me a yer da. This is a low point.
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