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Everything posted by Dons_1988

  1. Aye but players say lots of things in interviews. Should've had more faith in super Joe though.
  2. Don't think anyone has suggested it was a bad episode. It was great tv, and certainly didn't feel like an extended episode watching it. Definitely just a bit underwhelmed as to how the whole army of the dead thing was brought to an end.
  3. They've maybe given themselves too many storylines to resolve in 6 episodes and it's going to result in a lot of unsatisfying conclusions.
  4. Agree with RG, good entertainment but a bit underwhelmed by the plot/conclusion. In episode 2 where they talk about drawing the NK out with Bran and then killing him I thought 'no way it'll be that easy' and...it kind of was. It did feel very much a good vs evil with good winning when things look at their bleakest. Bit disappointed.
  5. Correct, I had to sprint for the bus the other day and I was fucked for about an hour. Fitness is a subjective term.
  6. This was my feeling. Wasn’t really feeling that episode.
  7. You pumped us today but you played a ‘dolly’ second string. You need to make peace with what gets said about your club on here.
  8. Cheers, few beers this afternoon then off it until the marathon.
  9. Amazing mate well done. I’m on my way home too, a more modest 1 hour 45 for me!
  10. That’s not the news I wanted to hear! All the best tomorrow, I’ll be the one sweating profusely.
  11. Good post. The last bit is right. Folk just want something different and to be fair, some managers do just have a shelf life. And I can accept that argument, although I am a McInnes fanboy and he’s going nowhere in my eyes. It’s the ones who try and make out like he’s a genuine failure of a manager that astound me to be honest.
  12. Except what you’ve basically said is one third very good signings that have become key first team players, one third that have contributed to the team but are not world beaters and one third write offs. For a club at our level in the markets we operate in that doesn’t seem too bad a record to me? Additionally, in your original post you admitted the club is hampered by a flawed scouting network. Recent windows have been markedly poorer and he needs to accept responsibility for that but as I originally said, the hyperbole needs toned down a bit. ETA - there’s also some on the bad list I would challenge. For example, Neil Alexander wasn’t a bad signing as such, in fact that’s an excellent back up keeper to have, joe Lewis was just terrific.
  13. [emoji1] I knew you wouldn’t be far away from this
  14. Now tv is a rip off but I use it when there’s games on I really want to watch and also for GoT. Ultimately if you’re not a regular watcher of the English football etc then it’s better value than subscribing to sky.
  15. Majority of signings ‘fucking woeful’? Really? In by far his worst season were on course for Europe, reached a cup final and semi final and knocked out by Celtic on both occasions. In terms of performance this is about where Aberdeen ‘should’ be on budget measures. There’s legitimate criticisms and this is a key window but I think you need to turn down the hyperbole.
  16. Dick waving contest for losers. My car has x horse power just means you amassed enough money to buy one. You haven’t actually achieved anything fuckwit.
  17. People who are staunch top gear are invariably arseholes.
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