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Everything posted by Dons_1988

  1. Make that 5, and it’s the type of expect on a bad hangover. Is this normal??
  2. I was on anti depressants for about 6 years on and off and they did nothing for me other than help me sleep. I had to change my whole approach to life, health, booze and everything. It’s hard but I’m better than I ever thought I could be. Just have to find what it is that’s holding you down, or at least I did. I promise it will happen for you if you stick it out.
  3. Managed 21 miles this morning which is a big relief after a few weeks of struggling with fatigue. Used energy gels for the first time, they definitely helped towards the end but... I’ve had 4 shits since I finished 2 hours ago...
  4. I’ve been there mate, right down to the thoughts that my wife would be better off if I wasn’t here anymore. That it would hurt her short term but long term she’d be better off. It’s not true, it’s never true. Hang in there mate. It will get better. If you want to PM about anything go for it. I was where you are 6 months ago.
  5. Look at you getting all excited over a Daily Record 'gossip' story.
  6. Hold on, what is the word coming to if you can’t do that?
  7. Heard from people who know him that Reynolds is a good c**t. Right time to go but decent servant for us. Hope he does well and his new team continue to suffer miserably.
  8. Maybe not peak partridge but far funnier than the vast majority of comedies out there.
  9. Those quorn adverts are a perfectly good reason for that.
  10. That must be that fabled Rangers dignity I keep hearing about
  11. On a tangent, when people (usually English) add ‘Mc’ as a prefix to something to highlight that it’s Scottish or in somehow make it Scottish and think it’s clever.
  12. To be fair regularly beating the diddies, particularly the top 6 ones is half the battle in catching Celtic.
  13. He was out cold wasn’t he? Thought that was an immediate couple of weeks off but could be wrong.
  14. I do. I just have a fear come marathon day that there’s so many people using it that it crashes it. I’m basing that on nothing other than paranoia though.
  15. On the subject of strava mid run updates, has anyone used it during an actual race and if so, any issues?
  16. If you’re really anal like me you can get it to update you every half mile.
  17. It’s true. We hate everyone regardless of race, religion or sexual orientation. We do not discriminate.
  18. Sometimes. But we’re also aberghreen at times too. It’s quite confusing tbh.
  19. Indeed. Killie built their whole shape around him. He was their attack in a structured shape. Not so much with us and he can’t really adapt. Good player but just have to accept he doesn’t fit in. Get Stevie May back in, doesn’t deserve being dropped the way he has been.
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