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Everything posted by Dons_1988

  1. Don't waste time worrying about how you got that big. I did too, it's pointless.
  2. Feel like you're doing yourself down there, sir. 7 stone is an incredible effort, really! That takes huge discipline and effort. Amazing stuff.
  3. It's more so that I've had a bit of race experience before I do the marathon. Keep getting warned that racing in a large group can test your discipline in terms of going at your own pace.
  4. Apologies, I meant I am doing the half marathon in Stirling as a warm up for Edinburgh in May!
  5. I will be there too warming up for the marathon. I have never done a proper race in my life though so I can offer you zero insight.
  6. It might. Because plenty people have this attitude and have already made up their mind. Give the club a chance to get it right.
  7. Wasn't ranting. We're clearly misunderstanding each other here so best to leave it IMO.
  8. Not sure what your point is. My original point was simply that I prefer a discussion on football and hearing people's opinions, not the script that follows every off field controversy that occurs. Why you brought white males into that I don't know, and to be honest I find it strange the regular clamour to jump to blame it on demographics. If what "we're getting" is more diversity then great, crack on, no issue here, all I want is decent debate on the football. I will leave it to you to count the different shades and sexes of human on the panel.
  9. You are probably right if you look at all signings as one population. He's never had great success with the squad players in my view (I'm thinking tate, Parker, Wylde, Monakana, Burns etc etc) but first two years he built on our first XI very well IMO. But it was always adding to an already strong team as opposed to overhauling it.
  10. Any programme about fan behaviour or anything like that is inevitably really boring. They say the same things week after week, it's like there's a script to be read from. Whether I agree with it or not, it's just not interesting when it's more like a political broadcast than a debate.
  11. Pretty savage for a first offence. Bad timing as he’s being made an example of.
  12. Progress in Europe is the only real appeal I could see it having to Benitez and that won't happen without a good bit of money IMO. So just can't see it.
  13. Would Benitez have any interest if he wasn't going to get funds to actually compete in Europe? I doubt it.
  14. I think it's fair to say that our transfer record has become more patchy since we've had to basically rebuild the team every summer, which is understandable to a large degree. In the first few windows Derek was excellent at building on the core of the team he inherited. Initially Robson, Flood. Then we had Logan and Rooney, Shinnie, Mclean and lewis. We seemed to resolve all the significant issues in the team. Yes there were duds along the way but they never lasted long, Zola, Wylde etc were shipped on pretty quickly. Since the 2017 SC final when we lost basically the core of the team, Mcinnes was chased by Sunderland and then we had a few weeks to pull a team together for Europe. Tansey was never good enough. In defence of Maynard, he was a back up option to May or Moult, had we signed May earlier in that window I very much doubt we'd have signed him. We've signed players that on paper should've been good enough. I was pleased with Gleeson, May, Stewart, Wilson etc at the time of signing, all seemed good options. We are maybe guilty of not digging deep enough into the character of some of these guys, Wilson in particular seems a total p***k, as he's clearly talented. We've not had the best few windows but I think it's a stretch to say I'm petrified of what's to come.
  15. Cheers, will give them another go and see the outcome.
  16. DA is right though, there will be. Reason that you go to bed feeling like that. Find out what it is that does it and take it one day at a time addressing it.
  17. At this point I’d say you’re probably right.
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