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Everything posted by Dons_1988

  1. Same here. I think my training is going fine but beginning to shite it a bit. 6 weeks isn't long at all.
  2. No dropping off the wagon here, although I did have two days on the beer last week instead of my usual one. Been posting more in the running thread with a marathon now under 6 weeks away. Still do a couple of sessions in the gym a weeks to work on upper body, have also signed up to a Spartan race too in September so strength training will notch up a lot post marathon. I also discovered overnight oats which are delightful and apparently a great breakfast. My wife says I've become a full on fitness dickhead, which is nice.
  3. I think the dvd is out, not sure about amazon etc but I’m guessing it has something to do with that.
  4. Except you and I know full well why god save the queen is sung by your support.
  5. There's an issue here though, it's not just the fact some Rangers fans are protestant or orangemen is it? Personally, I couldn't give a f**k what religion or political viewpoint someone has when they turn up to a football match. It is Rangers fans that impose it upon me when I encounter them. I attended the cup game at Pittodrie a few weeks ago and I was serenaded about Bobby Sands, the UVF and god save the queen before the game had even started. You might say that's not representative of the Rangers support but it's consistent with any experience I've had of them at Pittodrie, Ibrox or Hampden. So it's not just that they are Orangemen, but that they aggressively want to let everyone know they are. Whether you like it or not their songs are aggressive to those who oppose that view. This is why it isn't just a case of abusing them because they are protestant or whatever.
  6. OK, so my question is, is it possible to marry Rangers and the political associations and eliminate sectarianism at the same time?
  7. OK fair enough I'll leave Ireland out of it. But I agree with you, holding a political view does not necessarily make you a bigot, but Rangers as a club promoting those views will attract the very worst of the Rangers support, no?
  8. Fair enough but the issues are centred around the island of Ireland I think it's fair to say? Would you argue though that if Rangers insist on being a club representative of these politics that they will forever have a sectarian element to the support?
  9. And herein lies the issue, I think it's undeniable that both Celtic and Rangers' historical links to Irish politics and religion is at the core of their identities. This is absolutely what attracts the idiots to these clubs. So the question is, is it wrong for them to promote these historical backgrounds? If they didn't, the idiots would disappear you'd imagine.
  10. This thread has become absolutely tragic, mostly populated by folk who clearly want the new stadium to fail. I am withdrawing from this particular thread.
  11. If rangers are marketing orange away kits because it panders to a large section of the supports sympathies with the orange order and all that nonsense, can they please dry their eyes if they are referred to as orange b*****ds?
  12. It's a bit of a vicious cycle though, he can't say anything without getting a barrage of messages telling him to f**k off, so why would he be serious? He does talk shite but I don't see the horrendous troll that is often portrayed on here.
  13. Remembrance Day and the circus around it for me has become the single biggest example of the lunacy of modern day politics. A fundamentally decent concept and act of memorial destroyed by the garbage that has managed to accumulate next to it over the years.
  14. Not sure that’s an example of bbc bias. It’s probably the only newsworthy thing that’s happened to them since they won the lottery, and I include their divorce in that.
  15. You are of course right that it will fall somewhere in between the utopia some hope it will be and the disaster some rival club fans are waiting/hoping for it to be. The truth though is the club need to ensure it forces it as far down the right side of that spectrum as they can. This could be a disaster if they get it wrong. I feel our support is more fickle than some teams around us and will make the decision not to attend fairly easily if they feel they're being wronged. It's something that irritates me about the AFC support I must admit. Transport links are very key. The club should engage with bars in the city centre to put on buses out to kingsford and back, enough of this and who will have much of an issue if you're getting bused to the game after a few pints and back again? Indeed the supporters bar, I am not too worried by the quality as such, if I can confidently get in and get served relatively quickly then I'm not going to lose much sleep over it being only Tennents or whatever on offer. I just wish more people had a more open mind about it.
  16. Just another day where shit has happened and you've coped with it admirably. Just one more step to where you want to go.
  17. Think you’ve been taking tips from Romeo on the old fishing trips.
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