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Everything posted by Dons_1988

  1. Vintage weak minded individual that chooses to support your club. It's textbook.
  2. Did you read the article? It is paranoia from the Rangers fans up there with your friends across the city who you claim to be so different from
  3. I don't think it will happen overnight but over the course of time normal service will resume, I am pretty confident of that.
  4. When your old incarnation were in the league I literally did not care one bit about your "title race" and who was successful. If it was to return to the old way then I will return to not giving a shit over the outcome.
  5. How dare you all speak ill of the great WIllie Miller. He is a poor pundit and a terrible businessman though. Still, shame on you all.
  6. That little bedwetting teenager Agent Scotland has incited the Logan/Tonev incident debate AGAIN on here. The little runt has a lot to answer for.
  7. Finally, the recognition my years of internetting has deserved. Proud day.
  8. I have no idea on that one Bennett I'll be honest. From afar though it seems like he hasn't fulfilled a lot of the bluster he came steaming in with when he had his coup of the old regime. Although potentially it is for reasons no more sinister than the idea that he may not have generated as much support from the Rangers masses had he just said we're going to come in and over the course of the next few years we're going to address our cashflow deficit while trying as hard a possible to remain competitive in where we want to be.
  9. Just how I see it, but that is without having a detailed look at accounts. I would say if I was a supporter of the Govan mob, I would be suspicious of King, as it does seem he hasn't put a penny of money into the club when he said he would. This seems to have been missed by the fans as the current team as built up enough goodwill for the "off the pitch" stuff to have taken a back seat.
  10. take it you think I'm a Rangers fan posing as an Aberdeen because I dared to say anything other than they're going bust they just don't know it. Look through my posting history, I am no fan of that club. I am calling this like I see it.
  11. Said this a few weeks ago but this story, for now, is dead. Rangers are not going bust anytime soon, the "good guys" inherited an almighty mess and from what I see they are slowly but surely sorting it out. So long as there isn't pressure to repay the working capital loans any time soon they will continue to borrow it until they can reasonably get back into a positive cash flow. I would imagine this will take promotion (now guaranteed) and subsequently European football (far from guaranteed). I would think it is in their interests to trim their cost base as I'm guessing sympathetic shareholders will only go so far. On promotion to the prem it will be interesting to see how hell for leather they go on challenging rasellick. That will be crucial to their recovery. For what it's worth I think they have a decent manager in place who can make them competitive at least for Europe without spending a wad of cash. In this regard they are in good stead. This is the reality of it folks, as much as I hate to say it, they are doing ok. I really do hate to say it.
  12. Celtic fans so insecure that they can't even entertain the notion that a club other than their friends from across the city might have filled a position better than them. Sad, really
  13. There's a large difference between being in over your head with banks that desperately need to clean up their own balance sheets and having debt with sympathetic shareholders that aren't necessarily in any rush to get their money back.
  14. The size of the debt really isn't that big an issue so long as the lenders aren't demanding it back anytime soon. Also is it attracting interest on it and are they actually paying that interest or is it just getting tagged into the principal. Also the p&l again isn't that significant, although more significant than the debt. The place you should be looking is the cash flow statement for any real substance on how much trouble or lack of trouble they're in.
  15. Look who's got all cocky again after scraping a 1-0 win over Kilmarnock. Happy days eh
  16. Celtic basically won the league yesterday and their fans still having an absolute nightmare on here
  17. Surely not they're a tinpot Kazakh side that we should have humped
  18. Have you read the quotes in the article? Does not back up the headline at all
  19. My boss is a Dons fan so I'm hoping he'll understand my 3 month absence from work should this unlikely reality come to pass
  20. Him and Mclean absolutely battered last night. Tweets now been deleted unsurprisingly ETA - battered in an alcohol way, not a Mark Kerr in priory way
  21. This is not just Provan, it is all red top columnists and it drives me up the wall. "Folk down in England just don't to watch Inverness vs Partick Thistle" And? Probably an extra 100 tune in for their beloved old firm. When are they going to wise up to the fact that no one down South gives two fucks about Scottish football, Old firm or otherwise. I have lived there, seriously they don't care. So how about Scottish football focuses on what Scotland wants from the game, not England.
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