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Everything posted by GaryMc93

  1. He's the Tory candidate for Renfrewshire South for the upcoming May election. Clearly should have been shown the door today too.
  2. When he signed I knew his name, the clubs he'd played for and what positions he could play. However I can't say he particularly stood out in previous games against us so it would be interesting to know how many of our fans had actually watched him play. We're heard how he was supposed to be a set piece expert yet we're about to go into March and he still seems to be living off a free-kick against Partick in pre-season from September. Yesterday he hit a free kick straight against the wall and then (I think) from the resultant corner failed to beat the first man. Probably summed up his game.
  3. TBF his actually point is true. What is bizarre about it is it's been clear all season the tempo is too slow and we have a midfielders who don't really want the ball yet Kerr has constantly praised Chalmers and Murdoch. Against Stranraer, Kerr only played 8 minutes yet the difference in tempo was noticeable right away compared with Chalmers who seems to want the opposition to play at his speed which appears to be walking pace. The other issue with CM (particularly with Chalmers since he's meant to be the playmaker) is an unwillingness to be available to the defence to receive the ball. This causes Baird and Muirhead to continually play long balls to nobody in particular and we have to scrap for second balls. Our only real hope this season has been McCowan, Smith, Moffat or Walsh could create something out of nothing. When we have to chase a game we seem to loss complete control of the game and of the ball by playing desperate hoofball which surprisingly doesn't work since we aren't actually a tall team. So I would say Kerr is correct that in past games he should have played himself over Chalmers but going forward McGavin should be given that chance and should have played yesterday alongside Ndaba as it might have helped both settle in to the roles.
  4. Why? Can't say I know much about Davie white if I'm honest I was never a big Scott McLaughlin fan and this is only one side of a story but it always sticks in my mind when White is discussed. First mention is at 41 mins and again just after 49 mins. Doesn't paint a great picture. http://www.tellhimhespele.com/episode-36-scott-mclaughlin-2-part-two/
  5. Harsh considering (apart from one game) Avci was the No.2 to Hart for the 17/18 season and Hare-Reid had only joined the academy in the September that season.
  6. Yeah I suppose I was being generous on his actual performance meriting a new contract. More based on the 2 year deals he was allowed to offer and Smith talking Kerr up in the press and that I doubt he''ll want to be seen as some trigger happy chairman right away given Cameron was always the type to give managers time.
  7. Since Mark Kerr only signed an 18 month deal are we likely to hear anything about a contract extension anytime soon? I expect some people would rather we held off until the end of the season. Personally though I feel he deserves (and also would expect him) to get another year so the sooner it's done the better in my opinion to allow us to plan some more for next season.
  8. An Ipswich reporter is suggesting Brett McGavin will be joining us on loan. Obviously was here last January but we ended up looking elsewhere.
  9. Wonder if he’ll consider looking for a sponsorship deal for naming rights for the stadium. 9 or 10 other clubs in Scotland have done it and I’m sure most of their fans will still refer to the stadium by its original name. Traditionalists might not agree but it's not as if any Ayr fan would suddenly stop calling it Somerset.
  10. Back in Barr's day they wanted to redevelop Somerset and turn the pitch 90° to be adjacent to Somerset Road. However the owners of the house behind the North Terracing wouldn't sell. I imagine at the time he'd have been offering silly money too.
  11. I imagine it's the yellow. https://scotlis.ros.gov.uk/property-summary/AYR35497/1 - We are processing an application which, once registered, may change the information shown on this title.
  12. Camelon v Brora is still going ahead tonight. I imagine one scenario for the Scottish Cup would be if the lower leagues are off longer than 3 weeks then those clubs are given the chance to pull out or be allowed to play on the condition they test.
  13. United have also dipped into the Covid lifeline fund, provided by James Anderson, to carry out a number of essential upgrades around the ground. New toilets in the home and away end of Somerset and enlarged dugouts to allow for social distancing are part of the new look. Smith added: “The money from James Anderson has been essential and we will be eternally grateful for that. “These are short term wins in terms of getting fans back in the ground but it also leaves a long term legacy.” We might have just used it to buy toilet roll in which case we should have enough left over for testing.
  14. Might be misremembering but did David Smith not say in his half time interview at the Dundee game that we used some of that money for the new toilets and dugouts etc.? ETA: It was actually here https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/ayrshire/fans-can-play-part-big-22807635
  15. Might as well minimise our risk and recall the players out on loan, send Davie White to train the reserves and take the opportunity to punt lawyer and once again wannabe politician Derek Stillie from the club.
  16. Annual confirmation statement showing shareholders was published on companies house on Monday. David Smith has the 3rd highest amount of ordinary shares which comes to 4.53% and Lachlan has 57.88%. Noticed the Honest Men Trust have 2% although I've not sure if they even still exist.
  17. If Ndaba does sign then as a left footer he'll be a straight replacement for Roscoe. Kerr has shown he either, doesn't feel Muirhead or Baird are capable of playing on their weaker side or that he just prefers the balance a left and right footer provides. Either way hopefully it would be an upgrade on the current defence.
  18. Since I doubt he was intended to be a starter I'd agree with you. Can't be easy changing positions every couple of games although a regular run at RB could be ideal to really judge him. Up until last month he had been a regular, Was then benched for a game (where his replacement was sent off) and returned the next week before being benched for the Scottish Cup defeat. Seems like Reid wants 4 or 5 experienced signings for them this month so hopefully he isn't one of the ones being replaced and can kick on for the rest of the season.
  19. Not writing Ecrepont off but if he can't hold down a regular place in this current Albion Rovers team then he's not the answer to our current problems other than being an extra body. Unfortunately he's not kicked on as much as Josh Doig and Josh Reid both of whom are are playing in the Premiership and are now ahead of him for the Scotland U19's LB spot. Miller was reported as a two year deal here https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/ayrshire/former-celtic-youth-michael-miller-22480043 so wouldn't get your hopes up. As for Ness I'd pass as no doubt he'd get injured in training and would never play a game.
  20. I think recruitment over two windows hasn't been brilliant although it is tricky and I expect in his time here too McCall would have more misses than hits. No of course I wasn't implying he was exempt from criticism but he is our top scorer and also has the joint most assists in the team. He would be the player I'd build the team around in that number 10 role however my issue with a left footed player who isn't particularly quick playing right midfield is the least of Kerr's worries right now.
  21. Unfortunately based on performances when you offer them to players like Michael Miller and Joe Chalmers (+ a fee) it becomes more of an issue than a benefit. I agree that we want to stabilise ourselves as a Championship club and try and build something but realistically our only sellable asset in Luke McCowan is out of contract at the end of the season. No idea how likely he'd be to stay if Premiership clubs were interested.
  22. Although it became hoofball with him in the team I wouldn't disagree . He certainly had a work rate that Malley lacked although skills wise Malley was the better of the two. However not sure Drinan was so impressive that Kerr needed to hold out all summer for him. If that's the style he wanted to play then Anderson was never a like for like replacement and it was clear he didn't know how to get the best out of him.
  23. Think Kerr's job is made more difficult if he buries the current players and is then unable to replace them in this window. Last January he brought in Gillespie, Drinan, Tiffoney and Malley (and although hard to judge with the shortened season) none of them were particularly great. Anyone brought in this month are unlikely to be match fit straightaway if the 3 options are young players on loan, people who have been free agents for a while or experienced players who aren't getting a game.
  24. Had he stayed Harvie would have been ideal as the next captain as on the pitch he was up for a battle and also a good talker. Watching the current team they appear quite quiet although It's possible this is just how it appears on TV since you don't pick up as much as when we're actually at the games.
  25. In terms of a drop in performances 15/16 was worse where as in 16/17 we were consistently terrible. You were close, we had 15 games without a win in the league until we beat Raith (Stevo as GK game) and also finished without a win in 7 that season.
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