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Everything posted by GaryMc93

  1. Potentially it's Jim Kirkwood that owns the land at Heathfield as his company applied for planning permission on it last year. Appears to be the same date he applied to build behind the Railway End at Somerset.
  2. Pretty such McCall was the first to refer to a sell on clause. Might have been on Sportsound but neither Coventry or ourselves officially mentioned it when the deal was announced. The idea of a sell on sounded strange at the time given our only involvement in the deal would be giving him permission to travel down for a medical and Coventry wouldn't be required to offer us anything. Lets hope it's true.
  3. If he was then maybe the board expected he'd turn it down based on the time between him leaving and Roberts appointment. As for Roberts he should have left after his first game against Motherwell because it was all downhill after that.
  4. Reid was better than some people make out. Particularly those who judge his 4 seasons on solely one semi-final performance. The style of play wasn't always great and never matched his brief caretaker spell but provided us with more success than we had in the previous 5 years. Since leaving us I think he’s missed having Scott MacKenzie alongside him as they appeared to make a decent team here. As for his last season had Longridge not been sent off in that Airdrie play-off game it might have turned out differently but that’s football. I imagine he’d have left regardless as Roberts/Robertson taking over had been rumoured for a while.
  5. If it's the line "The financial situation is currently critical and all help is massively appreciated." then they've used the same line in every POTY update since the 22nd March.
  6. Was on a laptop and not a whiteboard but these GPS trackers won't buy themselves.
  7. Someone should have let Man City know it's tinpot before they did exactly this in an Amazon documentary.
  8. He could only be seeing how his team mate gets on but I notice Ipswich CB Corrie Ndaba is following the club on Twitter. However he also follows Dundee who were linked with him earlier this month so it might mean nothing.
  9. I suppose this way Kerr can get some idea of them as players as well as off the park. He spoke in the programme for the QoS game last month about getting loans from England. Was basically saying it’s more of a gamble as they can end up not being the right type of player (Ruddy).
  10. When all 3 were released McCall said each time that they were capable of playing senior football, just obviously not for us, which is why I highlighted them rather than a player such as Muir or Waite. As for the decision to drop to the juniors that seems to be down to the imaginary barrier that prohibits them from playing for a team without a KA postcode.
  11. Only one real way to find out if our youth players are good enough. It is one area Mark Kerr can improve on from McCall who was fine at developing players released from bigger clubs but struggled when it came to those coming through our academy. Crawford, Forrest and McGuffie all had spells where it looked like they had went backwards under his management. Others such as McCracken, Wardrope, Faulds and Hilton never got enough of a chance to play before moving on. Also last season he seemed reluctant to play McCowan, who didn’t suddenly improve in April, and Ecrepont who didn’t look out of place down at Wrexham.
  12. If it’s Darren Young then East Fife could do us all a favour and announce he’s leaving tonight like we did with McCall. Given the names that were mentioned I would be quite happy if this was the case.
  13. In fairness to the club they have tied down Ecrepont on a three year deal. High expectations given he's in the Scotland youth squads but we had similar players in those squads in the past that never amounted to much for various reasons. Would definitely like to see him given the chance this year if Harvie's injured or suspended rather than shuffle the likes of Ferguson over to left back. 3 year deal won't always work though as had we given Rose an initial I'm sure the club would have been criticised based on his rather indifferent first season.
  14. Don't know how he did for the 18's but he seems to know where the back of the net is. http://www.aufa.org.uk/own-mcginty-new-signing-for-18s-squad/ Could be wrong but I think it's Skeoch ST, Baird CB and Thorburn LB/CB.
  15. (Left to Right) Grant Thorburn, Michael Hewitt, Mark McKenzie, Leon Murphy and Gabe Skeoch. Nathan Baird has also signed a new deal but isn't pictured.
  16. Thankfully some people on here aren’t in charge or we’d need the buckets out at the end of every season to pay for everyone’s wage rises. Nobody offered a contract so far is irreplaceable and I’m sure the club would survive if Moffat and all his goals left again. In his 4 games McCowan offered energy and direct running that was sadly missing from most of our play during the 2nd half of the season. I've no problem with us giving him an opportunity to show if he can do it over a longer period.
  17. Given it’s unlikely we’ll get a striker as prolific as Shankland we need the rest of the team to chip in with more goals. Before January we certainly weren’t a one man team but did end up becoming over reliant on Shankland to carry us through in the league. His 24 goals were scored over 16 games, Moffat (5 goals over 4 games )and Moore (4 in 3 games). Out with the strikers the best was McDaid on 4. From the players currently under contract for the upcoming season Forrest and McCowan seem capable of scoring around 5 each from midfield not so much Murdoch and Docherty. If they stayed you’d be hoping Moffat, McDaid and Moore could add a couple more to last season’s total. Adding a winger, a centre midfielder and a centre back who can help on the goal front might ease some of the burden on whoever is given the task of replacing Shankland. As for Doohan I imagine whoever Celtic’s next manager is will have a look at him in pre-season especially with De Vries leaving, concerns over Gordon’s fitness and Bain being average. Hopefully they bring in a new No.1 and we can get him back but since this is the club that once cancelled Scott Fox’s loan because their 3rd choice keeper got injured I’m not sure we should put our eggs all in the one basket.
  18. My main point from the 2013 thing was he obviously had talent at 15 (and not that PSG were wanting him to replace Neymar) and it's likely that had he been at anyone else outwith the Old Firm he would have been given more of an opportunity at the time. I doubt 4 games for Celtic and the fact that his first taste of regular first team football was at 20 with Dundee this season has helped him develop since. Neither does Brendan Rodgers wanting to turn him into a left back because he did it previous with Ryan Bertrand. Definitely the type of player we should be going for and he only has to look at Shankland etc. to see that it's a good club for players whose career hasn't turned out as they'd hoped.
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