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maccanee last won the day on January 24 2010

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  1. Directly comparing the roles of Grant and Scullion is a wild take. Thinking Grant is finished as a footballer is an even wilder one.
  2. The biggest difference for me was the speed of transitions when both teams had the ball. Took us a while to work it to the final third whereas you guys were able to move at speed and that caught us out. For being three divisions below I thought we contributed to a decent game of football. Think we should be ok against teams at our level, the result was definitely the right one but if it had gone 2-2 it could have been an interesting end to the game.
  3. He is, the move to striker is a new idea that has taken every Clyde fan by surprise! More than capable defender as well but was prone to the odd mistake, particularly in the first half of last season.
  4. Probably waiting for his best mate to sign with one half of the ugly sisters before he decides to stay up here.
  5. The ref and stand side lino were horrendous. The East Fife left back must have gained more yards than an NFL quarterback! Should have won that with ease, but in the end +3 and Stranraer losing is all that matters.
  6. Last week's pitch is not the kind that allows Kabia to show his best. When he came on against Elgin he was excellent at creating space and dragging players out of position. He was almost unplayable and as they started to double up on him he was quick enough to switch the play and bring others into the game also. Unfortunately Saturdays pitch probably doesn't suit him either, but he would be a good shout for the 2nd half or last 30 mins as the game stretches should we be looking for goals. Grant has tailed off after a few very assured displays, hope he gets going again as a fit and performing Raymondo is such an asset.
  7. Sorry that basic arithmetic isn't something that registers with you, but to be condemning us now is horrific. Unfortunately I could write about an endless amount of issues I have with the club, particularly in recent times, but I reckon over the next few weeks it would be better to at least not add to the woe, and actually get behind the team. I certainly believe that bad performances such as today should be criticised, I'd just rather focus on a positive conclusion to this season, especially when we have the matches and points available to do so.
  8. So if we win next week it doesn't matter then eh? We are bang up against it as it is without everyone throwing in the towel. Not many folk were complaining after the last 2 games if I recall.
  9. Last chance saloon? 6pts behind two teams with 24pts still up for grabs, away you go ya roaster.
  10. The cross from Kabia was that good that it looked like a goal as soon as it had left his boot!
  11. Another massive 3pts for us today, nowhere near our best, but fair play to the lads for grinding out the result. Kabia had an excellent game when he came on, only bettered by Hamilton who was excellent once more. Thought Lyon had a good 1st half but I can see why he was sacrificed. Jordan Allan looks like he's found his form again and if we keep creating chances he should bag a good few more. Lots of work to do but we have now given ourselves a right good chance.
  12. For the most part we were solid and hard to break down today, big props to Sula, who in the 2nd half dealt with everything thrown in the box with ease. It was one of those days where every time we went forward we seemed to find the right pass, or sheer guts got us the opportunity. Rennie and Allan were brilliant in their own ways, and to a man, the rest outplayed their counterparts. I pray to god this game is a launchpad for the next 10 games, we aren't done yet!
  13. This. The amount of abuse Ross Lyon gets at certain times is unreal, the poor lads not up to standard, but it's certainly not his fault that we gave him a contract, and that managers keep playing him!
  14. He shouldn't even be allowed to sell the raffle tickets going forward.
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