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Everything posted by Thereisalight..

  1. I was out and didn’t watch the briefing, did they give any indication how long the wearing of face coverings is shops is likely to last?
  2. It seems strange that now figures are so low we’re being told masks are to be made mandatory in shops, yet at the beginning of Apr when cases were high Leitch was saying they’re basically ineffective. I have no objection to wearing one if it’s helping to get things moving again. Another strange point by him is he’s adamant no crowds at sports events before Oct, yet why not make punters wear face coverings? Obviously nobody is expecting 50000 at games when the OF play, but I see no reason why small race meetings at Ayr or other lowly attended sports events can’t go ahead without crowds
  3. That would be fair enough if you hadn’t mocked those who have held those views from the start
  4. Probably didn't help we played them off the park in the Scottish cup True! Wonder if Richard Foster is still needing a club....
  5. For a virus that seriously affects a very small percentage of the population, folk are willing to accept life as we knew it is over. It’s a very bizarre way of thinking. For people under the age of 65 or those with no underlying health conditions, they’re probably more likely to die because of a drunk driver rather than covid You’ve certainly changed your tune
  6. Decided to hold off watching the news until 10pm. Hearing of all these job loses is absolutely tragic. In years to come people will say the over 3 month lockdown did more harm than good
  7. Fcking hell that was some miss. I’d go out on a limb and say even I could have scored that one
  8. Suprised to have read that you’ve re-signed Grant Gallagher, albeit on a PAYP deal also saw Ryan Stevenson is away back to Troon. How are you feeling about that?
  9. I’m pretty certain the right hand side gears I was using are the rear ones? I’ve done the same cycle a few times and never had an issue. I might just keep it in 3rd or 2nd rather than putting it down to 1st incase the same thing happens again
  10. Last night's game and tonight's Bournemouth game are on Sky 1. Cheers! I’m a cheapskate who doesn’t have sky or Bt Sports so I was surprised Pick were showing games!
  11. Cheers for that! I know the bit you mean now! I’ll look into that thanks. I’m sure they'd be shocked at my lack of knowledge
  12. It’s the gears on the right hand handlebar that I work with. I keep the left hand one at 2. Is it bad that I don’t know what derailleurs and barrel adjusters are i had a bottle of hand santizer with me but my nails are still filthy!
  13. I’ll reserve my glee at such news when there’s a queue a mile long down at the local hospital getting the vaccine
  14. It’s quite clear that until a vaccine is found that covid won’t be completely eradicated. Many boffins have already said a vaccine may never be found. I don’t see localised lockdowns being the answer for anyone (employers/employees especially). There’s going to need to come a day when we say “fck it” or else we’ll be stuck “living” like this potentially until we all crock it
  15. I had a wee disaster today on my cycle. Was going along the road (slight camber) in 3rd gear, then dropped to 2nd when the “hill” began, half way up the hill I dropped to 1st and the chain came off! It took a few attempts to get it back on and aside from my hands still being black no harm was done and I did 16 miles after that. Just wondered what could have caused it as I’ve done that route in those gears a few times and not never had a problem?
  16. Leitch now saying there’s practically no chance of crowds at sporting events before Oct. Strange when he was advocating for Rangers v Leverkusen and the Steroohonics concert to go ahead whilst infection rates were increasing, yet now they’re decreasing he wants to wait until Oct by that time winter colds and flu will be making an appearance and he’ll give that as a reason to continue with no crowds
  17. Stumbled across tonight’s game on Pick. Didn’t know games were getting shown there! Have I missed many on that channel?
  18. All that sounds sensible. The owners of the Hydro/SEC have seemingly said it’s realistic to expect no gigs going ahead there until 2022! If that’s the case they’ll definitely need to start charging rent and rightly so IMO
  19. It’s hard to get away from it. News, radio, internet, folk talking about it when out and about. I listen to the news once a day like Ive always done. I’m certainly not watching it every hour of every day. Thankfully I have other interests to pass my time
  20. There’s a lot of if’s, but’s and maybe’s in their reporting. I think highlighting positive news regarding Covid isn’t too much to ask rather than just focusing on the negatives Tbh all I remember for the last few years was Brexit talk. It says a lot really when I’d rather that bombarding every news hour rather than covid
  21. Also 100 days since lockdown began, feels about 1000
  22. I had the news on for about 10 mins and it was all doom and gloom. Leicester being in lockdown, how a “newly discovered flu could become a pandemic”. Honest to god no wonder some people are scared shitless to even go shopping or out a walk. The media certainly haven’t helped the situation at all.
  23. I honestly only ever go to the bookies before a game I’m going to, and I put a bet on for the outcome of it. I like to use the machines as it limits my need to interact with people! @welshbairn
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