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Everything posted by Thereisalight..

  1. Crazy to think that according to the Daily Record fans will be allowed in stadiums by July 23rd, yet the championship will have to wait almost 2 months after that to start
  2. Really suprised there’s been no signing news announced. Even Stranraer who are in a bigger limbo than us have announced 4 players either signed or re-signed for next season
  3. Here’s a fun wee game for you. Type any combination of 3 numbers into Google followed by “new cases”. Amazing
  4. After the positives news about restrictions easing and normal life slowly resuming yesterday. Today the media are back to scaremongering and trying to put the fear back into people. During the news there was a report about Bournemouth beach being heaving and it a “major incident”, Kelvingrove Park cleared by police and also how Europe has suffered the biggest jump in new cases for months. The media fcking love “bad” news regarding Covid
  5. Narc is mostly used to describe a narcissist now. Kinda apt as people say Trump is one
  6. 6 weeks? Can’t see it being that long. The original lockdown was only to stop the NHS being overwhelmed. There’s really no need for further lockdowns as the lack of PPE and ventilators has been rectified. As well as the SEC hospital being set up
  7. I doubt a second wave would force a shutdown from Oct until May. Anyway, if the games need to be played behind closed doors for a few weeks whilst the “second wave” happens then I’m sure they’d do that rather than the clusterfck and fallout that happened when the season just past was declared finished
  8. Yip. At least if we started in Aug we could maybe get about 8 games played before Oct! It would be a start
  9. We lucked out last season when Rangers let us have Kelly and then Houston. Both were two of of our best performers. Would take a couple of their players on loan next season if we’re struggling for numbers. Kennedy, Young-Combes seem good attacking options
  10. The worry is we’ll sit twiddling our thumbs to Oct waiting for games, and by then the flu/cold season will be starting and the SPFL will be knicker wetting about that
  11. Was hoping he’d come back to us, but as soon as Ross County got mentioned a few weeks back I knew we’d have no chance of getting him
  12. I knew It was a Racecourse, but I thought maybe Hamilton FC were calling their ground that, it’s hard to keep up with the stadium names they have
  13. Aye, they should have had us starting the same time as the Scottish Premierleague. A fcking ball ache having to to wait until Oct and having 9 less league games
  14. That would be sensible. Kids at school, folk back working in close proximity Mon-Fri, the likes of Silverburn heaving with shoppers. No need for us to be watching shitty streams from behind closed doors. Make us wear masks if need be
  15. The face masks look smart. Now lets get us in to Somerset with them on
  16. I just hope if there is a “spike” or “second wave” or the usual colds/flu come the Autumn, that we don’t shit the bed and lockdown again. IMO lockdown should be a one off thing that we did to *cliche alert* prevent the NHS from being overwhelmed. Now they have the correct PPE, increased numbers of ventilators and the hospital at the SEC that’s yet to see a patient, there should be no need or desire to implement another lockdown
  17. I see no reason why 90% of clubs can’t play in front of fans then. If supporters or the clubs themselves are still worried then make the fans wear a face covering
  18. Because normal life hasn’t to resume before 2021 don’t you know
  19. There was talk of doing closed doors games but streaming them. Don’t know if that was just a pipe dream or not.
  20. Aye it makes the Ayr one look great, which takes some doing!
  21. There’s only so many vegetables you can eat when I go to Ayr I normally stock up on Quorn or Tofurkey “cold meat” style things as they do for lunch on a sandwich. Fck cooking vegetables for a quick bite to eat at lunch
  22. Have you ever been in the Girvan Asda? It’s shite. They literally have two things in the chilled vegetarian section
  23. Just bumping this thread seeing as intu Braehead is in trouble. A worrying time for Clan fans (myself included!)
  24. Yeah I know shopping for essentials has always been allowed. Didn’t know if they’d class being vegetarian as a “real” dietary requirement
  25. I’d just rather wait until it’s “legal” so I don’t feel like a criminal
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