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Tony Ferrino

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Everything posted by Tony Ferrino

  1. Mine was in my head, where you sing it out loud? Camper than John Barrowman singing campfire songs at campsie fells.
  2. Swing it, shake it, move it, make it who do you think you are?
  3. Coming home and seeing there's a message on the answer machine, only to get about a second of silence before they hang up. What sort of a stu[id c**t waits until just after the end of the message before putting the phone down?
  4. Can someone take the "yet" out of the title please. Sounds very creepy.
  5. I meant to, but I was too drunk to care. You have exactly 2.5k likes btw. Unless I'm being whooshed.
  6. c***s who say "chin up". It's fine to be miserable for a period of time, we've evolved to do that. It helps us get it out of our systems. If we don't let it out, it stays in. Fucking stupid thing to say. Dick. And relax.....
  7. When you say "another" you make it sound like Scotland is one.
  8. I was going to mention him, but was a bit worried he might set Eileen on me. #scaryreligiouspeople
  9. Puke and bile possibly. Hopefully he'll be back.
  10. beastie boy Nearly burst out crying
  11. Love how they work out how to stay loyal.
  12. Gordon the Gopher is no longer available to the BBC. He would have made more sense though.
  13. May could just be the first prime minister to make a decision that pleases everybody.
  14. Maybe it will all turn out to be just an advert for a dating agency......
  15. They'll dig him up nearer the time, just depends how long he needs to get his eye in.
  16. Looking forward to them trying to run a "better together" campaign just as all the shit from Brexit is flying around.
  17. Well you do have Ray Comfort arguing your case!!!!!
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