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Tony Ferrino

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Everything posted by Tony Ferrino

  1. Watches Big Brother and the Kardashians too......
  2. That happens to all of us. Just you wait, you stupid westlife fan.
  3. A random mix up might be quite funny. Combined with a de banning of certain individuals. For red nose day. lol. #fun
  4. There's no evidence to show they've even heard of football let alone who they support.
  5. Why woud that get on your nerves, unless you are planning to bump them off back home?
  6. Every time I hear news reporter Nina Nannar's name mentioned on the news, my brain can't help repeat it in the style of a police car siren. Want to poke myself in the eye every time.
  7. Dog owners. If you buy a pooch then be prepared for your iq to drop dramatically. What kind of a stupid fucker dives into the sea to rescue a pet when they are naturally better swimmers than you?
  8. I got my first ever message board ban for posting a link to that wonderful site.☺
  9. Caught the last 5 minutes of Burnley v Lincoln earlier. Lovely stuff.
  10. You shouldn't drive past your local club to go and watch a footie match.
  11. Okay, but what if we don't like to alphabetically mark our living room walls?
  12. Is "drawing" curtains closing or opening them? As a teen I worked in a restaurant, when at closing the owner asked me to draw the curtains so the police could see in if there was a robbery. Confused the fuck out of me.
  13. Really sorry to read some of the previous posts, my thoughts and best wishes are with you. My daughter lost another tooth the other day and as usual she put it under her pillow, with the tooth fairy bringing £2.50 by the morning. On trying to spend it on sweets at the self service machine in sainsburys, her £2 coin kept being rejected. The member of staff on duty then came over and said he thought it was a forgery. To his credit, he changed the coin for another from the till, but this has still left my daughter thinking that the tooth fairy is into circulating counterfeit currency.
  14. Lighting off an electric grill is great for getting one of those eyebrow slits.
  15. Olly Murs and Gary Barlow as a pair. Never used to mind either of them, but with the general dumbing down of society in the last 10 to 15 years, these two are just wheeled out constantly to titillate the facebook yummy mummys and send those of us with half a brain off into another room to watch another channel, or to just turn off the tele and do something less boring instead. ....and the way Barlow sucks up to the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha's makes me wretch.
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