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Posts posted by CALDERON

  1. Football is an emotive game. Its not like any other business. Im a customer of Asda, but I dont sprint down the bread aisle when my seeded batch loaf is on offer, as much as this does excite me, driving past Tesco and Sainsburys on the way home giving the GIRUY to them.

    There is a line though. Getting frustrated is the nature of the game. Its when the shouts turn personal into abuse that it gets too far.

  2. As far as I'm aware, they've considered installing a 4g park, but realistically, didn't think they'd be able to hire it out enough to make it feasible.

    Additionally, there's no alternative changing facilities other than the dressing rooms the players use, plus using the floodlights, plus employing someone to take cash, clean up after everyone etc.

    Considering how many other alternatives there are in terms of pitch hire in the area, they're probably right that it wouldn't be much of a goer.

    Plus, Starks Park isnt the easiest to get to if your coming from Thornton/Glentrothes etc. And parking could be a bitch too.

  3. Glad someone recognises he is still just 18.

    In the same way I'm biased towards Wighton Rovers fans seem to be towards Lewis Vaughan.

    From what I can see he is 2 years older than Wighton, has made a similar number of appearances and scored a comparable number of goals.

    He's also not involved in the Scotland set up etc.

    I'm sure both will progress to be good players but if your club loan an 18 year old boy and expected him to tear the league up then I'd say your expectations were the problem...

    No, we expected at least some flashes of the brilliance he apparently had.

    He didnt even show the odd moment of quality. He literally offered us absolutely nothing.

  4. John Sutton was slow and lumbering 12 years ago when he played for us, but he scored goals. I've particularly fond memories of his hat-trick at Brechin in a 3-0 win. Brechin had a perfectly good goal disallowed after everyone along the side shouted "offside" and the linesman raised his flag, Ramiro Gonzalez narrowly avoided a Taibi and Dick Campbell, who was going mental on the touchline, got sent to the stand and chucked his bunnet away in disgust. It remains the only occasion I was convinced the referee was biased towards us.

    Sutton would be a great signing for us; I just don't see any chance of it happing.

    I'm positive Campbell started jumping up and down on his bunnet like a cartoon old man.

  5. Wighton was very very dissapointing, just didnt work out.

    I didnt expect to see an amazing player every week, but what you expect are flashes of great play - we didnt see any of that. He was played in multiple positions with multiple styles of football and just didnt cut it. We have had guys like Goodwillie, Templeton, Russell on loan before and all offered far far more.

    Good luck to the guy, he might well make it. Just didnt work out.

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