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Posts posted by CALDERON

  1. Jefferies is the managerial equivalent of a striker who scored a shed load when he was 25 and still lives off those glory days 10 years later when he can barely kick his own arse. It gets him a contract, but the delivery just isn't there. No thank you.

    Dare I say Derek Adams is the best currently unattached candidate? The downside is that he is a w****r.

    Id happily we had a w****r at the club. The nicey nicey management team didnt do too well.

    Ive always thought what we lacked under Murray is a bit of...."streetwise". I'd love to see some of that with a new boss.

  2. Bold decision. The Board has basically said that anything other than the promotion play-offs is failure. I hope this doesn't result in a manager being sacked every May but it's setting a slightly dangerous precedent. Remember, we could be in a league with Hibs, The Rangers, St Mirren, Motherwell and Falkirk next season.

    Thanks for the memories, Grant.

    I dont think they are saying anything other then promotion playoffs is failure. They are saying finishing 18 points behind them is failure.

  3. Can I ask - I am going to the match on Wednesday with my girlfriend and her Rovers supporting side of the family. I'd like to hang my Pars scarf up outside Starks Park on the railings to show my respect for Turnbull Hutton. Would any Raith fans have any reservations about this? I don't want to cause any anymosity, just want to show my respect for a great guy who done so much for Scottish football. I hope there is a big crowd there on Wednesday night to give Turnbull the respect he deserves, he will be sadly missed by all in Scottish football. We are all Turnbull Hutton.

    Lovely gesture.

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