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Posts posted by CALDERON

  1. The usual schoolboy debating trick - take the opposing point of view and present it in an extreme form.

    Now, let me ask YOU and RAT Machine a question - do you think the present management and squad are value for money? OUR money.

    That would be easily caricatured.

    BTW RAT Machine, you sure readers will see your witty sign?

    No. I don't. But does that mean throwing money at the squad is the right thing to do?

  2. I dont blame anyone for moving on. If they have the ability to play for a better team, they should do that. We are likely to be fighting towards the lower end of the table next season anyway.

    Guys like Watson, Cardle, Baird shouldnt be playing for survival in this league. We really need to act in this window though, we have lost two of our few attacking threats.

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