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Posts posted by CALDERON

  1. Just in from the cribs in Aberdeen it was fucking brilliant.
    Just in from the cribs in Aberdeen it was fucking brilliant.
    I thought it was slow to get going (I hate their new stuff anyway), but it was mental towards the end.
  2. See we've been given under 800 tickets for east fife, I know they don't have a big capacity but I was expecting more than that. I'm working anyway but I'd be shocked if they sell 1000 tickets(allowing for segregation). Also wonder why they've waited til 10 days before the match to announce it and only give a week to buy tickets. Waiting on CVA announcement? Even so could have the tickets ready to sell.

    When they played us 5 years ago in the second division they shifted well over a thousand tickets i believe - we were only given an allocation of about 500.

  3. I really don't know what you want out of this thread?

    The vast majority of Pars fans acknowledge that recent events have not cast a great light over our club. I am certainly not proud of the way those in charge have shat on so many people from a great height.

    It's more a sense of relief that we have a club in some form to support. I've supported the Pars for 27 years & the last few months have been horrendous.

    By the way, I think there are quite a few Pars fans who have lost tens, if not hundreds of thousands of pounds out of this CVA.

    Dont doubt any of that for a second.

    My point was that this outcome is the "easiest" for the Pars, which it was. Seeing as the alternative would be having no club to support.

  4. Lol at this being the easy way out. You been living in a cave for the last 6 months?

    6 months compared to how many years of ridiculous financial management? (with Scottish Cup finals, SPL football and European football) It is most certainly the easy way out. The alternative was having no Dunfermline at all. Whilst I dont doubt that there are hard times ahead for Dunfermline, I really dont see how anyone can see it as anything other than the easy option.

    There are many other clubs who have had to cut back drastically in order to pay debts and try and right wrongs they have made - or who simply dont have a lot of money and only spend what they can afford. It dosent send the right message out to these clubs, we'd all be as well going into administration and paying next to nothing back so we can start again. That is now 3 clubs in 3 years who have done exactly that (Hearts could well be another)

    I have no doubt that the past 6 months have been difficult for the club and their fans, but in the grand scheme of things, Dunfermline and their fans are not the losers out of this.

  5. Obviously pleased for Dunfermline fans, but it just goes to show that there isn't much point in "playing by the rules".

    Motherwell, Dundee, Rangers and now Dunfermline have all had an easy way out of a huge mess that has been entirely their own doing. Any clubs struggling to make ends meet should just do the same.

    Not meaning to come across bitter, i would be mightily relieved/pleased if it were my club.

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