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Posts posted by CALDERON

  1. Have you forgotten the Scottish Cup Semi-final? To be fair that was the exception. Murray has definitely done well in the Cups, and we could still equal last seasons 6th placed finish, due mainly to our brilliant start to the season. If Murray could just even things out a bit he'd have it made. Nobody expects much more than 7th place, it's just the racing into it then collapsing thing that pisses fans off.

    With McGlynn the football was shit, but he did have the knack of grinding out results and he had us challenging for titles every so often to break up the relegation battles.

    I expected to be fighting for 4th, as im sure our board did when they gave Murray his budget and allowed him to make 5 additional signings.

    Massive underachievement. The fans haven't really been that bad, our performances have absolutely woeful so its understandable that people aren't happy.

    When the players show a complete and utter lack of any urgency, fight or organisation as per yesterday, you are simply going to piss people off. That's the nature of football.

  2. Feel so sorry for you. Try being papped out the cups at the first stage and being brutal all season,

    To be honest, nobody really expected anything else from Cowden.

    We have a full time squad with a budget obviously geared towards the play offs, to be even worrying about 9th spot this season is utter failure. Especially considering our position in Jamuary.

  3. Thought I could challenge Calderon's super fan status but I only managed a disappointing 34. Close, but no cigar. Might have to re-think my decision to not go friendlies

    I think I've only ever managed every single game once when we were in the Premier, which was a 44 league season so was some effort.

    Part timer. You are not permitted to boo.

  4. I'm certainly not burying my head in the sand. We're on a bad run, no doubt about it, but my initial comment on this was it being nowhere near as bad as some were making out.

    Just because other clubs sack their boss at the drop of a hat in sheer desperation (Morton) doesn't mean it's the way to go for us. I stand by that.

    Murray won't be sacked before the end of the season despite some of the ridiculous 'dreams' some have. Better that we realise this and get behind him and the team than barracking them.

    Bar that leeds fellow, i think it really is as bad as everyone is making out.

    I am struggling to remember a time when our form has been this bad - and i include Heatherston and Dalziel seasons into that.

  5. Of course the part time teams are a benchmark. If you finish below teams with much less resources than you its fucking massive failure.

    Managers up and down the land get the boot and are branded clueless with much better form than ours.

    When good players are underperforming that indicates a massive problem somewhere at our club. Failure to acknowledge that is just burying your head in the sand.

  6. Where did I say I was pleased? I'm being a realist and not throwing in melodramatic comments amounting to this being as bad as watching a team of non-footballers wearing the shirt and causing us to be a national embarrassment (Anelka), or seeing Dalziel field a team with such talents as Steven Bonar, Mark Crilly and Paul McManus struggling in the lower reaches of Div 2.

    I was far more disappointed then and also during the seasons under Hetherston and Jimmy Nic the second time around where we were spending £100k on a right back FFS and where did it get us? Not promoted and on the brink of bankruptcy. That was far worse. Those stats don't lie.

    We were at the 'wrong' end of the Div 1 table for two of McGlynn's seasons here - and that was under an experienced coach who had had 4-6 years in management during that period. This is just Murray's second year as a boss and yet him essentially doing what McGlynn did at the club - and was rightly lauded for - is suddenly not good enough? Bollocks.

    Your last point is keech. Mcglynn got the most out of limited players.

    Murray has a talented squad and has had resource to bring in more people, and has them under performing woefully. He is failing miserably. 1 win in 14!!!!!!

    Plus, in pretty sure we weren't below 2 part time teams under Mcglynn.

  7. Oh it is not. 'Untenable' would be in ninth position, and papped out all the cups early doors. The position we're in is highly undesirable but that's overstating things.

    Has everyone forgotten that we went to Dens Park on Tuesday and took a point and a clean sheet? Just because hardly anyone was there doesn't mean it doesn't count.

    Nope. I was at Dens park and was very pleased with how we defended.

    The way that same defence played yesterday was utterly horrific.

    The form table since December makes horrific reading. There is little evidence to suggest things are going to get any better.

    Murray was faced with two huge tests this season. How he coped with losing the unbeaten run in November, and how he coped with injuries.

    Our form, and the fact that our ability to defend is almost entirely reliant on one man being fit, says it all to me.

  8. We weren't playing great early doors but we deserved to be where we were. Some of our football was actually quite good.

    A mediocre, or even poor, run of results since Xmas would still have seen us up there challenging for 4th.

    Instead we have been mind blowingly horrific. Based purely in football reasons, Murrays position is completely untenable.

  9. Massive, massive failure and let down by management team and players.

    When you look at the squad Murray has assembled (an added to), combined with where we were in December, he and the players should hang their heads in shame.

    Not remotely good enough. All this cup talk can get tae, league is the bread and butter and we have woefully failed.

  10. I think it's really just the way Laidlaw was dropped after such a great result and performance at Easter Road. Had Robinson signed after the Dundee game at New Year we'd all have been over the moon as sadly Laidlaw had done us out of three points by turning a win into a draw, and a draw into a defeat against Cowdenbeath and Dundee. But then he steadied the ship, played well at Cappielow, Central Park and Easter Road... then he was dropped. Very harshly, and while his replacement hasn't been awful, he's let in a lot of goals (15 in 5) and hasn't exactly played well in any game.

    I have to say I think Murray has made his bed now so should lie in it. Not sure it's best to be switching goalies every time one makes a mistake as that's obviously only going to make them nervous. On current form there's certainly not much between the goalies at all though. Robinson is a hero at QoS but he's been poor for us so far. Laidlaw isn't the magic answer some think though.


    Murray had plenty opportunities to drop Laidlaw (yes even for Stewart) but came out and backed him, and that looked to be working as after the Dundee game Laidlaw did very little wrong.

    I have no problems with the signing of Robinson, but to just drop Laidlaw when he was getting some confidence and form back is pretty poor management.

    Plus there is the simple fact that based on his performances with us, Robinson is in no way an improvement to Laidlaws form in the few weeks leading up to the Hibs game.

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