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Posts posted by CALDERON

  1. Of course it'll all kick off at Easter Road. There's a reason Rangers and Celtic aren't usually allowed 4pm kick-offs. I have absolutely no doubt at all a large number of them will start fights/chuck things/sing their bile, and a small number of our lot will react and spend the nights in the cells while the Rangers fans merrily go home.

    We know better than anyone there's an element of the Pars support hell-bent on causing trouble, but last night's reports seem to involve kids being struck by coins, several Pars fans needing medical attention, a stolen drum and a young lad being jumped by several Rangers fans after the match. I've just had a gander on the match thread and it's condoned by all Rangers fans posting, with one even posting the Pars fans were 'lucky'.

    And they wonder why we cheered when they died...

    This happened to one of my friends at Pittodrie. Said a word he really shouldnt have, but said it once and ended up in the cells until the Monday and with a football banning order to boot.

    Just because there were 5000 Rangers fans singing worse songs over and over again, that makes it okay.

    The police and Scottish football arent interested in really sorting the sectarian/bile issue. If they were there would be matches played behind closed doors and huge fines - they dont have the stones to deal with the old firm due to the large numbers.

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