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Posts posted by CALDERON

  1. That's why I could never bring myself to sing the wee team song as felt we were cheating by spending what we didn't have.

    Like some arrogant arsehole in a Ferrari on tic beeping at a Skoda on the motorway.

    Fair do's. I, and I'm sure most Rovers fans are the same, don't want the Pars to die. Pars fans are football fans too, and seeing your club in that state is hard. Most of us have been there done that etc (perhaps not quite to that extent). Not impossible for Rovers to be in danger soon either.

    However, some Pars fans have been lording it up for years about how much of a big team they were - there was always going to be some comeback to that.

  2. All the diddy fife teams getting on there high horses, cuties.<br />Fwiw Raith couldn't afford the tean the year Dunfermline won the title, any attempt by Raith fans to feel superior over the budgets that year are laughable. <br />Meanwhile hows the stadium issue looking in Cowdenbeath?<br />Fife, the kingdom of financial fuckdom.

    Fucking raging.

  3. The thing that fucks me off with the proposals is - the champions don't get promoted straight away. And also the fact the shite SPL teams don't get relegated straight away. The mini league is nothing more than self preservation.

    However, looks like its this or nothing, and after thinking about it, I can see why Turnbull is behind it as he is looking out for the clubs finances.

  4. I think 7th is about where most people would expect you to finish this season but finishing below any of the part-time clubs would be a bit poor. I don't think you are going to be anywhere near relegation come May but unless a miracle occurs in Kirkcaldy next week, the rest of the season will be a bit dull.

    Pretty much the same as the Pars only we have a far easier cup tie.


    Finishing below Cowden, Dumbarton or Airdrie would be a total fucking disaster and unacceptable. Finishing below Falkirk and Hamilton would be dissapointing also.

  5. Oh dear - dream on.

    And you are correct, the table won't be lying - at the end of the season.

    Take the bag off yer heed next time you watch your team.

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    We have won TWICE as many games as Cowden, scored more goals, and have more points. AT THE MOMENT, we have been better than Cowden. The two games were both deserved draws for either team as much as you dress it up as Cowden throwing points away.

    What will happen between now and the end of the season? Who knows. But anyone who says Cowden are better than Raith just now is quite plainly, off their fucking heid.

  6. I'll say it slowly so you can understand it.

    Those scarves are fucking horrendous & won't sell. They are also a horrendous idea given your clubs stance in the summer.

    Stop trying to justify it! :lol:


    The scarves are horrendous, I certainly wont be buying one. But others will - i saw a few people wearing them on Saturday at the match. Probably not in large numbers, but some people will buy them. If it makes us any money at all, then its a worthwhile business venture.

    But what has selling scarves got to do with the Rangers situation exactly?

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