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Dee Bliss

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Posts posted by Dee Bliss

  1. Main Stand - Billy Steel,

    Home end behind the goal - Bobby Cox,

    Away end behind the goal - Bob Shankly,

    Stand opposite the main stand- The Derry. 


    Safe standing in a section of the Derry and behind the goal on the away end   


    Anyway time to go and sit in the original Derry. Need something from today's game. 

  2. 8 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:


    It's not the Brown's money to give away, they put nothing in, theyll take nothing out.




    Why would they? They've taken nothing out for 20 years, and even if they did, they'd face a board room fully aware of it, and a fanbase who'd find out when the accounts were published. There's a difference between out situation, where it would be an owner taking money out the club, to yours, where an owner wouldn't be giving some money to the club. Nobody knows what their clubs owners will do next.


    I know what gamble I'd rather take.


    The option is there for the Brown's and Reid to do this and if they were ever inclined to do so there's not a thing St Johnstone/minority shareholders/supporters can do about it. 

  3. 1 minute ago, Tibbermoresaint said:

    How much more straightforward can it be? Saints benefit from the revenue generated by McD. The wee team won't benefit from the revenue generated by the new stadium. Is that simple enough for you?

    What happens if Steve/ Geoff Brown with 60% of the shares and Bob Reid with nearly 30% of them decide the revenue generated by the stadium goes back into their  families bank account?

  4. 6 hours ago, stu2910 said:


    I read in one of the interviews with Nelms that this has been set up in this way, with the separate company buying the land etc, because funnily enough Dundee FC isn't a particularly attractive name to lenders.


    Suggests to me that it's been done like this purely to get it built and that the long term plan would be to work it back into the club's ownership. The owners main objective when they took over was to build the club back up with the stadium, training facilities, youth academy etc being worth significantly more combined than the club cost them at the time and therefore worth selling.

    Sounds good Stu, I hope you're right. 

  5. 52 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

    I've heard that John Bennet has contracted with some Spanish outfit to begin the demolition of Dens.  Might just be a rumour though.

    I've heard a different rumour. 


    Are you upset about this stadium Granny? You appear to have come out of retirement on oor thread since this news broke. 

  6. 11 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:

    Cheers for that Ludo. Helps a bit!


    Is the lending issue due to the fact we like to go into administration from time to time or because grants are easier to receive if it's not solely connected to a football club?

  7. 8 hours ago, harry94 said:

    The difference is though that Coventry had the rugby side sharing with them and they were regularly producing considerable income which meant that the holding company could be more stubborn and push a harder deal. There aren't really any other uses of a stadium that is so regular in this part of the world so if the owners of the facility do end up being driven for profit, they could lose a massive amount of money if they engineered a situation in which Dundee were lost. United getting involved and moving in at the same time could be an issue as that then does reduce the dependence on Dundee in the long term.

    I doubt we'll see them but I'd really like to see what contracts will be signed between Dundee and the stadium holders. Ideally, if the Americans were allowing us to pay minimal rent for x years, I'd like the club to put money aside each year to buy shares of the holding company so after a certain amount of time, we co have a certain defence against the sort of issue you point out.

    Has it been stated by John Nelms or Tim Keyes who the owners of stadium will be? Is the club owned by this Dark Blues Holdings or by FPS? 


    It's not sitting too well with me at the moment if the club has no percentage of ownership over the new stadium. I'd rest easier if I knew how the earnings from the stadium and other facilities are to be distrubuted. I've heard there are 2 proposed pubs, training facilities, car park, social housing and conference suites what if any of this will be for the club's benefit. We've been shafted once to often for me to be trusting of any owners  which is very harsh on Nelms and Keyes because they appear to be doing things very well, apart from this £26 adult admission prices!

  8. 1 hour ago, locheedee said:

    You might be right tbh but I'm guessing that's maybe the plan for the northern end of the site - where the St Johnstone fans usually park up their caravans?

    We're only using about half of the 29 acres Keyes bought (& weirdly the 4 training pitches are outside that area too) so there must be something planned for whats left over...

    Whether it's right or wrong I was told the plans were for 14000+ stadium with hospitality suites for up to 1000 people, training facilities, social housing and a couple of pubs. Not sure if the pubs were meant to be in the hospitality suites on match day or not. The 14000+ stadium and training facilities part of what I was told appeared to be correct.  

  9. 54 minutes ago, locheedee said:

    Looking at the plans I think Keyes and Nelms are maybe working on a whole raft of businesses that will all earn them cash back on their investment.

    From what I can see they're building a big building attached to the rink, which I'm guessing is either an extension to the rink to give the Stars better facilities or a seperate entertainment venue (ideally something like xscape at braehead or more likely a gym).


    Theres what appears to be a long run of buildings just north of the stadium too so I'm assuming they'll be for retail units/food sales/pubs and the large building to the southern boundary with the triangular bit attached looks like a potential hotel with restaurant/bar too.

    This doesn't completely settle my mind on the finances but the model would fit with their experience elsewhere as well as giving them a steady return on their investment in a non football dependant way....

    Just my thoughts like but that would make sense to me anyway (& I'd not be surprised if they weren't also looking at holding gigs at the new stadium too to make it earn its keep too)


    & Yeah they've said before we'd be renting from them but unlike from Bennett it was to be set at a peppercorn without any apparent clauses where it goes up year on year.

    What I'm led to believe is that there is plans to build some houses on the site, perhaps this building showing in the plans beside the ice rink is a block of flats. 

  10. 44 minutes ago, dd23 said:

    The difference in the dynamic is there for all to see. Also McCann has shown he'll shake things up with the dropping of Haber and McGowan which brought the best out of those players. We have been extremely unfortunate with injuries, but the bottom line is we have never replaced the goals that Hemmings and Stewart brought to the team. Find a goal scorer and we'll do fine.

    Creating chance after chance and not taking them. We all know that's the major problem with the team and not the easiest to rectify. Injuries taking their toll. 


    A wee lesson for the board in not selling a quality striker for peanuts or at least demanding a larger buy out clause. Hardest part of the team to replace.  

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