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Dee Bliss

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Posts posted by Dee Bliss

  1. 6 minutes ago, djchapsticks said:

    I've had a look through it and to be fair, they've not posted anything outlandish in relation to Dundee at all, in fact they seem very focused on all things SPFL.

    I'd be a lot more sceptical if they were latching onto every half-arsed rumour doing the rounds but they don't appear to be,

    The rumour appears to have been started by your media guy on twitter. 

  2. 51 minutes ago, The DA said:


    I disagree about Murray.  He's got a very low conversion rate. A more clinical finisher could add 8 or 10 goals a season to Murray's haul from the same number of chances.  I'm not saying Keatings is that clinical finisher but he's unlikely to be any worse than Murray.  Transfermarkt would seem to agree, showing Murray at 213K and Keatings at 234K.  Despite Murray having twice as many goals last season, they both have the same goals-per-minute-played stats.  Does Keatings keep getting subbed?

    I don't know much about Scobbie but, again, Tansfermarkt shows him as being worth 298K to Dixon's 276K.  BTW Scobbie's a central defender while Dixon's a left-back.

    I'll give you Andreu against King but again we're not comparing  like with like - Tony's a central midfielder and King's a right-winger.  Mmmmm, donuts... winger.  

    From what I recall Scobie's a left back who occasionally fills in at centrehalf. 

    Keatings only got starts at Hibs last season because Lennon fell out with Cummings. 


    As for Billy King, the fact he started about 9 games for the relegated team last season is all you need to know. 

  3. 8 minutes ago, The DA said:

    I wouldn't if I were you.  You've come back from admin a couple of times now.  Liquidation is just that wee bit harder.  Just ask Rangers.

    Just look in your club's history ye fud, it happened to your 'still pishy wee club' in 1927. 


    You were the cretin that gobbed on Sean Dillon aye...



  4. 1 hour ago, The DA said:

    How do you think you'll cope with the points deduction when Hartley wins his case?  Which of us do you think will get out of the Championship first?

    Just you never forget who put you's in the Championship ;)


    Effectively the Derry put the dabs in their place. 


    Jolly number 2

  5. 3 hours ago, DigOutYourSoul said:

    I've considered myself fairly neutral for the last few years of living in dundee but was at 8 home games this season. Currently being persuaded to buy a season ticket. How many games would you have to go to to justify a season ticket? Or how many could you miss to make it not worth while, as I'll definitely not be at all of the games.

    A season ticket  saves you roughly about £100. You'd probably break about even if you went to 14 out of the 19 home games. 


    A season ticket works out about £17 per game and pay at the gate probably averages out about £24 a game over a season I think  


    Yer Derry'd oot yer nut tho, aye?

  6. 1 hour ago, Ludo*1 said:

    If we released Gadzhalov and brought in Tam Scobbie I'd be demanding McCann's head to be honest.

    I'd like if the club gave us a little bit of clarity on what's happening with our out of contract players. There contracts ended more than a week ago.

    I checked the squad list thread that I do yearly and we were pretty much finished our business by this point last year and we've not even started this time round!

    It claims in the Tele tonight that the contracts don't run out until the end of June. 

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