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Raith Against The Machine

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Posts posted by Raith Against The Machine

  1. 31 minutes ago, Broken Algorithms said:

    Rory Brian is the only other one who comes to mind. The worrying thing was, he'd be the only one who didn't completely shit the bed when he got given a game. 

    Smith's Cruyff turn assist to Trouten at Albion Rovers was one of the most infuriating things I've seen in a football game. Everyone could see it coming a mile off. A horrendous goalkeeper. 

    Rory Brian could walk into my house right now wearing his kit and his gloves and I wouldn't have any idea who he is. 

  2. 1 hour ago, renton said:

    McNeil, Arnott, Mitchell, Masson, Young and Coulson (for a bit)

    Potentially he'd be looking at a fair few extra bodies in that case.

    And Mahady, the only one who actually did get punted into the Lowland League. 

    5 minutes ago, roverthemoon said:

    Also being reported by The Record

    Jamie MacDonald has turned down a new contract and looks set to leave Raith Rovers.

    The experienced keeper was offered a new deal but was asked to take a significant cut.

    The 37-year-old has other Championship options and is also on the radar of a Premiership side, who are looking to bring in another goalkeeper as back-up.

    MacDonald, who has been at Kirkcaldy since 2020, was one of Rovers’ most consistent performers this season and in recent years.

    It remains to be seen if a deal can be struck but it is looking increasingly likely he will be set for a fresh start next season.

    I'm quite conflicted on this. On the one hand, I think Jamie MacDonald is an outstanding goalkeeper, comfortably one of the best in the division in the season just gone. However, he's at an age where fitness and injuries are inevitably going to catch up with him, and like most goalkeepers who play into their late 30s, he'll look great until suddenly he doesn't. There's going to be a cliff edge there somewhere. It might not be in the next twelve months, but it easily could be. 

    If he does end up agreeing a new deal, I'll be pleased, but it does just kick the can further down the road. He's not going to still be our goalkeeper the season after next. I imagine that's what's being reflected in the significant cut to the wages being offered. Even if he signs, we're still going to need another goalkeeper this time next year, and might end up looking in January regardless. 

  3. 5 minutes ago, Heid_The_Baw said:

    The dick extension is a good bit of business btw.  Surely most on here will like Dick at the back?  Its semen to me like there's only a few snowflakes.

    I firmly believe that with Dick, the only way is up.  He is a fine upstanding guy.    Hopefully he'll stop the cock ups at set pieces.

    (The Karens just had an anuarism).

    Millions of tweets = getting the club name in the limelight, and that can only be a good thing for future advertising etc.  Good on Ruaridh.  Keep it up.  fnar fnar.

    That's Plenty on Make a GIF

  4. 1 minute ago, CALDERON said:

    Take the twitter based hilarity out of the equation, that's 2 relatively underwhelming announcements.

    Happy with both to be part of the squad, but how I feel about those will be determined by the other business we do.

    Robbie Thomson is about as good a number two goalkeeper as you'll get at Championship level, particularly given how content he seems to be as the back-up. 

    You're absolutely right, though. If these signings are the "lowest" we make in terms of importance to the squad then it's a very good foundation, but if this is the top end, we could be in trouble. 

  5. I've definitely been called a woke lefty (and much worse) on these very pages multiple times in the past, but I think there's a wee bit of over-sensitivity at play here. 

    It's not a joke at anyone's expense (other than, I suppose, Liam Dick). It's not playing on a sexist or a racist trope or anything of that sort. It's a very mild piece of innuendo, with a mild swear word (which does also happen to be Liam's surname). I'm honestly not even sure you could go as far as to label it risqué. 

    It's not big or clever, it's very much Carry On level humour, but it's been picked up by an audience, which is essentially the point of social media. 

    If every tweet from the Rovers is now some form of toilet humour than yeah, that would be weird and off-putting, but I think the appropriate, proportionate reaction to one milquetoast off-colour tweet you don't like is to go "Oh? Ugh." and move past it. 

    In the recent past we've had a very, very serious episode that absolutely alienated people and left people behind. This ain't that. 

  6. Starting to think Dicko got this new contract solely so the club could do #numbers. 

    (I think the importance of online engagement outwith your own fanbase can be vastly overstated at times, but I think you've absolutely got to say fair play to Ruaridh Kilgour on this. Turns up with his "boost social media presence" CV and the club knocks out a viral tweet within a couple of days. Some boy.)

  7. Hmm. Somewhat disappointed at that. Doesn't offer anywhere near enough going forward from left back, and you can't exactly say he contributed to an effective defensive unit either. 

    If we're bringing in a starting left back and two centre halfs to be ahead of Dick in the pecking order than I think he's a very good squad player to have, but if the plan is for him to start at either left back or in the middle we're setting out on the same path as last season. 

  8. 5 minutes ago, RAITHROVERS84 said:

    Not having a pink away strip would be as good as a signing for me 😂

    Don’t think I seen us play well in that all season. Maybe Arbroath and Linlithgow away at an absolute push. 

    Back to white please.

    We wore blue in Linlithgow. 

    But I liked the pink strip, picked up a half price one this week because my appreciation of it was trumped only by my tightfistedness. 

  9. 51 minutes ago, roverthemoon said:

    Just had a listen to the press conference and interviews on K107 Sports show. Really worth a listen as they play the whole press conference and speak to most of the new Board one on one. 

    A few things stood out for me. The new guys coming in all speak very well and definitely seem an upgrade on what we’ve had in recent years - both communication wise and ideas wise. There’s always a risk that anyone new is either all big promises or just motherhood and apple pie, but it definitely doesn’t feel like that. It feels like fairly solid, concrete ideas and plans that could make a real difference. From the building work/renovations, to talk of using data on fans better to market the club or creating an ultras section in the Railway Stand. There is a real focus on bringing fans along with them. They all get asked what their message to people would be and it’s all good inclusive stuff like ‘belong’ ‘come with us’ ‘be part of it’ ‘leave no one behind’ Hopefully that will be backed up by actions. 

    The only mildly worrying thing is that there’s a hint that Sim will still be more actively involved than initially suggested. Hopefully this was just them being polite and saying the right thing in front of him before he gets sidelined out the door. If the interviews highlighted how professional and focused the new guys seem, they also threw a spotlight on just how big a tube Sim is.  He was just rambling, disjointed anecdotes and more interested in making jokes than saying anything thoughtful or meaningful. It’s easy to see how the club got driven into a ditch under his watch. Anyway definitely worth a listen and great work by K107. 

    I was just about to post something almost identical to this. I'm only about halfway through the K107 show but it's definitely worth a listen. It appears to be pretty much just coverage from the press day earlier in the week for the two hours. A real good bit of extra background on the new consortium and their approach. 

    And you're spot on about John Sim. Andy Barrowman is very keen to highlight how integral John Sim has been to the success of this takeover, but deary me he's got some proper off-the-charts "Yer Auld Da" opinions. Mad wee rants about our players always being smaller than the opposition (?) and how he'd rather we didn't have a good dressing room because then they'd be able to take out a load of aggression on the opposition. Wild stuff. 

    To be fair to him, it does sound like John Sim is going to basically crack on with the more tedious admin-y stuff around the shareholder details, and leaving the day-to-day stuff to the incoming guys. If he sticks to that, it'll be grand. 

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