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Raith Against The Machine

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Everything posted by Raith Against The Machine

  1. Just forfeit all future games against Caley and save the injuries and suspensions.
  2. Do they fast track red card appeals now so that players don't become eligible again until it's reviewed, or could we appeal and have Matthews for Tuesday?
  3. I was going to say before the red card, the referee was being a bit of a pain the arse. Letting some things go and being overly officious with others, but probably without real detriment to either team. Kind of referee that makes football a really frustrating game to watch for everyone involved. They live and die on the big decisions though, and as I say, I don't think anyone in the ground expected a red card to come out his pocket there.
  4. I don't get the booing of Billy McKay, to be honest, I don't think he had anything to do with it. He was put up in the air and the red card was out before he could be accused of milking it or anything.
  5. I don't think anyone other than the referee thought that was a red card. Maybe if I see it again it'll look worse, but he wasn't particularly forceful and he won the ball. Was he off the ground? I don't think he was out of control.
  6. Tait's use of the ball has been brutal so far. He's had the odd spell like that a few times over the last month and redeemed himself with real moments of quality, and we could really do with that here. Neither team has really been able to get the ball out of the middle third.
  7. That looks every bit the dislocated shoulder for Ethon Varian. He's not making a big song and dance about it, but it looks like Bene's hurt his wrist, too.
  8. As loathe as I am to wade into this interminably boring argument, if there were an easy solution that would allow Dunfermline to sell many more tickets and make many more pounds, do you not think they'd have implemented it months ago?
  9. If we're going to use "Benoit" as a verb, I'm not sure "pretending someone didn't exist" is the immediate act that springs to mind.
  10. "Nobody steals a wage from Falkirk except me... and maybe the boy!"
  11. Carson has been excellent against us the last few times, sad to see him missing out for such a reason. I agree with the prior poster who thought Ethan Ross would stay on the bench. While I wouldn't be shocked to see him start, I don't think McGlynn will want to leave out either Connolly or Zanatta at this stage. Having Ross and and an invigorated Poplatnik to come off the bench feels like a significant upgrade on our alternatives a month or two ago. Despite our Caley Thistle hoodoo, we should be full of confidence going into this one.
  12. I've got no idea what Tam O'Brien was thinking standing on Poplatnik like that. Slow motion replays sometimes make things look more calculated than they were in the moment, but it looks every bit the deliberate act. It's definitely a standing on rather than a stamp, but if an official sees that I'm almost certain they'd send him off. If only there had been one within three or four yards...
  13. I'm not convinced that "it's all run by volunteers!" is a valid defence for something that the club is charging £18 (?) for. If it's run by volunteers and given away for free then there's no right to complain, but once you stick a price tag on it there's a reasonable expectation that it at least be on a par (no pun intended) with others at the same level and a similar price point.
  14. Oh, you're one of those funny joke posters? Sorry, don't mind me, you carry on.
  15. What was that, then, just a random non-sequitur? I'm not Dick Campbell's biggest fan, not by a long chalk, but it's fucking wild to be throwing that level of criticism at him at this moment in time.
  16. It's infuriating. You've got these folk huffing away and moaning at the defence knocking it about, "get it up the park!" and then when the ball does go long and TOB heads it away or a 70 yard pass goes out of play, they're throwing their arms in the air and greeting about that too. The players aren't perfect. You can want them to play nice football but risk losing it close to goal, or you can want them to go direct and risk losing their headers or it going wayward. (Or, preferably, you could back whatever the manager chooses) Don't throw your toys out the pram when they do exactly what you've been screaming for and it doesn't work. At the very least, to paraphrase my mother, keep your mouth shut and naebdy'll ken you're stupit.
  17. Came on to say the same thing. That's the best game he's had for us. Should've done better when he was played through, but I think he's still just in his own head a wee bit. A striker in form takes it first time and goes across the keeper.
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