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Everything posted by Antlion

  1. Just supporting the good kind of nationalism, so he is.
  2. I think enough was revealed by the weird meltdown about SNP state religion the other week - I’m genuinely surprised he thinks he can get away with pretending that madness didn’t happen, and casually reassuming the “just an honest Labour supporter” mask.
  3. You’re forgetting that UK nationalism is special - exceptional. It shouldn’t even be sullied by the word “nationalism”, which as every patriotic Briton knows is meant for inferior territories (which are every country, nation, state, and dominion except the UK).
  4. We could take our lead on that from how their party leaders treat them.
  5. He’s not a unionist. I hate to use the current buzz phrase, but UK Nats claiming Scotland is a “country” in a “union” being misgoverned by the SNP literally is gaslighting. When they’re not talking to a Scottish audience (which they obviously think is made up of thick parochial morons), they’ll quite happily recognise the UK as their country and the importance of independent national action. When talking to us, they’ll misrepresent reality and paint Scotland as an already-independent country entirely (mis)governed by the nefarious SNP. It’s high time people stopped playing the UK game of “unionism”, as any pretensions the UK had to espousing political union died in 2016. Every main party in the UK is strictly UK nationalist and anti-union.
  6. Aye, all the things that Brexiters were claiming was intolerable about the EU goes treble for the UK - yet they seem to see no problem there, which undermines their arguments a bit.
  7. If sovereignty is the issue, why do UK Nats insist on calling themselves “unionists” and pretending Scotland, England, Wales, and NI should not have sovereignty?
  8. And in this analogy, you and yours are Jean-Claude Juncker and Ursula von der Leyen on a one-army, ever-closer-union steroid binge…
  9. Have to say I’m surprised - usually the “just here for honest, good-faith debate, mate, honest” lasts longer, and usually something actually triggers the raging meltdown. I guess the need for those sweet, sweet endorphins was just too strong to wait.
  10. It does beg the question of what you have to actually do before the BBC decides you and your views and behaviours don’t deserve a rotating QT seat. Reveal the funding of your alt-right think tank, perhaps?
  11. European unionist, yes. We’ve not yet been allowed to express an opinion on whether we want to be part of anti-unionist, separatist, xenophobic Brexit Britain. The UK seems terrified of letting us do so.
  12. It always ends the same way for this poster, no matter the opening gambit for the new account. In the endless pursuit of negative attention, the resort to scattergun abuse of TEH NATS begins…
  13. It would be if Scotland wasn’t a prisoner of the UK, and denied its democratic processes by that same UK - you know, all that stuff the UK government said was unacceptable about the EU, but worse? Perhaps you can explain how the UK both demands and refuses the rights of nations to make their own laws, exercise democracy, and protect their own interests. How can “sovereignty” and “taking back control” be both incredibly important and yet must be denied at all costs?
  14. Think that was 2016, even if Gove and his fellow gimps couldn’t actually achieve their “freedom” to asset strip Britain for some years.
  15. Don’t be silly. If they were racists, they’d be in the Tory or Labour parties, fulminating against immigrants and asylum seekers and desperately trying to make xenophobic Brexit Britain “work”.
  16. As the UK is the state, I can only assume this is your view of how anyone not willing to “make Brexit work” is going to be shouted down or accused of thought crimes in Britain for the foreseeable future.
  17. You’re basing this on Labour/the Tories’ Brexit Britain, aren’t you? Because that’s what you’re describing.
  18. That certainly seems to be band Labour are paying tribute to. They do divisiveness on mogadon.
  19. I suppose it beats Labour and the Tories’ plans for keeping a dependent Scotland in Brexit Britain, which thus far amount to denying democracy, screaming “SNP BAD” through every available media outlet, and making things worse for everyone under the guise of MaKiNg BrExIt WoRk.
  20. Thanks for the clarification - you might want to tell your dear leaders that Scotland is a country, as they seem to have trouble recognising anything other than the UK as one. They certainly don’t like treating it as one.
  21. I just noticed that the thread is called “When will indyref2 take place” and yet it’s been derailed into “SNP-run NHS bad” with a side helping of “stop talking about independence”. I wonder who was responsible for that…
  22. Why would it, when it is neither funded nor run like those nations. Why you persist in trying to compare parts of the UK to independent nation states is beyond me.
  23. You knew someone’s public political affiliations would be revealed on a politics forum? Genius. Good job you also know how to pretend he’s been called a “troll/sock puppet/liar” making “irrelevant” contributions, when no one has said any of this. Still, why let reality get in the way of a hyperbolic rant.
  24. “How would you do things differently?” ”By doing them better.” ”And how would you do them better?” ”By doing them differently.” Still no explanation as to why you want an apple to sit down with and learn how it can be more like an orange, incidentally.
  25. None - because the Scottish Government has historically toed the line, acting within its budget and not rocking the boat in terms of policy. That doesn’t guarantee the UK won’t simply veto, as it legally can and has recently said it might - but it’s still a straitjacket.
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