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Everything posted by Antlion

  1. What the f**k is happening here? Have words just ceased to have meaning to you?
  2. Partition does seem to the political system of choice when it comes to the UK, whether it’s partitioning Ireland or Europe.
  3. 63 and nightly firing out insults and abuse at strangers on a football forum. And now with added sexual innuendo. Winning.
  4. Scotland drove Brexit? That’s some take. But of course someone’s birthplace is no indicator of their interest in that birthplace (except of course to ethno-nationalists like you and your fellow alt-right Brexit Britons). I’d rather an English or Swedish or Peruvian leader of an independent Scotland, responsible only for Scotland’s welfare and answerable to the Scottish electorate than a Scottish-born freakshow like Gordon Brown, who gives not a single shiny shit about Scotland and could barely manage the UK.
  5. Nor does it stop your beloved UK government separating the Irish from the Irish.
  6. I think you topped that when you started claiming to want the Irish forcibly repatriated under UK rule - like an absolute lunatic.
  7. Like the one your beloved UK operates in Ireland?
  8. Whereas the Tories and Labour fill you with so much confidence in Brexit Britain that you need no convincing of Scotland’s future as a voiceless region of it…?
  9. You’d need a really detailed plan and solid strategy to support that black hole, never mind vote for. Or not.
  10. What’s “f**k business” Brexit Britain’s debt again?
  11. This isn’t a matter of opinion. You might not like it but a majority of Scots voted to ask a question we’ve never been asked: do you want to be part of Brexit Britain. The combined SNP and Greens were over 50%. There is inarguably a mandate. But there isn’t democracy bearing it out, because the UK is not a union.
  12. We just need a bigger bus. I really can’t believe the shamelessness of people who back Brexit Britain - a directionless state built now on absolute lies, fantasies, and xenophobia - thinking they have any purchase on demanding firm and clear answers about Scotland’s independent future. It’s a bit like someone lost in a blizzard on Ben Macdui demanding to know where exactly Mountain Rescue plans on taking them before they’ll get in the chopper.
  13. Actually, it was the second vote on EU membership, which was conducted on a democratic mandate to hold one and on the basis that the EU had significantly changed since the last one. The Scottish government won a mandate to hold a referendum on the UK as it won a democratic mandate and the UK has significantly changed since the last one. But the UK isn’t a union - it’s a state - and thus is free to have these double standards (just as Scots are free to welcome them and reject Scottish democracy in favour of being ruled as a powerless region).
  14. Odd - Brexit Britain wasn’t achieved by proving to anyone we’d be better off, and yet you’re right behind this mysterious, demonstrably volatile state.
  15. Bloody nationalists and their insults, eh?
  16. Aye, one expects better from … The Daily Mail.
  17. I’d say some brands of nationalism are more notorious for resorting to insult than others…
  18. Funny kind of “unionist” who is right behind the anti-union Brexit Britain. You’re no more a “unionist” and the Section 35-wielding UK is no more a union than fly in the air. You’re a UK nationalist. Own it.
  19. By that logic, it would have been over for the Tories and Brexit … um … four leaders ago.
  20. A bit off to describe these mutants as “pro-union” when they back anti-union Brexit Britain.
  21. I’d rather shave my balls with a cheese grater than give those dirty b*****ds my vote.
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