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Everything posted by Antlion

  1. Her entire tenure as First Minister has been characterised by relentless agitating for another vote on separation Didn’t this little piece of shit agitate for another vote on Europe, in which he pushed separation hard?
  2. Douglas has never been a party leader - just a low-level manager (and even that is beyond him). To be fair, the UK has recently made clear that Holyrood is a constitutional smokescreen which has no ultimate power to do anything that can’t be undone by the UK government, so it does rather make one wonder why we need a FM in Holyrood (or elections, or manifestos).
  3. It has only to pursue independence and change minds. Gender recognition is not allowed in wee pretendy regions, as the separatist UK Nats in Westminster have made clear. Literally the only thing the SNP should be doing is pushing the independence narrative, as there’s no such thing as a UK union, or devolution. Anything “devolved” can and will be slapped down by an autocratic UK government, no matter how many actual people in Scotland it hurts. Sturgeon was far too “nice” in playing the UK game, which was always going to end in failure. Because the UK simply makes up the rules as it goes along. Essentially, to progress independence, we need a charismatic figure who is unafraid to expose the UK for what it is, and to play as dirty as the leaders (and collaborators) of Brexit Britain.
  4. I’m sure during the separatists’ Brexit campaign, Johnson pledged his own research program - with flapjack, and hookers. Unfortunately, he promptly forgot the research program and the flapjack.
  5. Well you did mention “separatists” - I naturally assumed you meant Brexiteers and the separatist UK government still determined to maintain and even increase separation from the EU.
  6. Yet somehow it’s always “Mrs Thatcher”.
  7. And subsequently raised in 2016 when the UK did a u-turn and decided independence was in fact an absolutely necessary thing and not the terrible evil it had claimed in 2014.
  8. The idea that homosexuality is akin to a birth defect - something that a parent would initially, if uselessly, wish didn’t exist in their child - is fucking horrifying. This is why young gay people will live in fear and suffer in silence. I’m genuinely saddened that someone can even express an attitude like this in this day and age - and think it’s acceptable.
  9. Do these look like the actions of a woman who just thinks they’re neat?
  10. And the flip-side of this is that the Tories in Westminster must fill you with confidence for their ongoing handling and planning of the UK. Otherwise, if as you say we’re the reducing this to the parties’ in charge of the immediate future, you can’t vote either way.
  11. Apparently the bold Joanne is making a hero - along with the Record - out of a woman with a very chequered background of (multiple) serious assaults and homophobia. Because now she’s a trustworthy, brave lady just speaking up about her fear of what she calls “nonces” and “troons” running riot in prisons (none actually doing anything aggressive in her story, mind). Bizarre to see the “hang ‘em and flog ‘em” types worshipping someone they’d normally want … well … flogged and hanged, all because she’s playing their favourite song.
  12. The settled desire of the Irish for independence, for one. I mean, wanting that to be overridden and the republic forcibly returned to UK rule is traducing more than democracy - it’s an attack on sanity.
  13. Only a million? That’s a minority of voters. Shame that being part of Britain means the majority of Scottish voters who elected to retain EU membership were outvoted and your favoured brand of “nattery” won out.
  14. Sorry the loneliness is getting to you again.
  15. Are you deaf? She doesn’t read!* * Presumably she savvily gets all her information from angry fellow pensioners in the pub, or from … well … the Jeremy Show and that nice boy Nigel Farage on the wireless.
  16. “Are you deaf? I don’t read!” Absolute fucking mutant. Hopefully the next cold snap finishes her off.
  17. I remember people referring to it as “What Everys”. Another one I remember from my gran was saying someone was being “as nice as ninepence”. As I had no conception of “ninepence” as a wean, I always thought she was saying “nice as nightins”. Ditto “up and doon like a peep in the gas” - it was gibberish.
  18. My pal rec’d me this video, and it’s worth an hour of anyone’s time. It’s a documentary about the self-proclaimed “world’s youngest novelist”, Gloria Tesch - a Florida (naturally) lassie whose epic novel series “Maradonia” debuted in the late 2000s. The problem was that the 800-page “novel” was self-published by her family, using massive fonts and generous margins to inflate the page count. They then sneaked it into bookshops and libraries to pose for pictures. The doc lifts the lid on the whole family, whom everyone at the time apparently thought were rich idiots indulging their brat, but who were actually up to something much more sinister… And, of course, Gloria and her family made a Maradonia movie, the clips of which shown are some of the most breathtaking stuff I’ve ever seen (think “The Room”, but … worse). I’d encourage anyone to YouTube “Maradonia witches scene” for the absolute apex of WTF acting. I’m hoping this doc is the first of a series of “The Ruse Cruise” and that the person who made it has some more scammers to explore.
  19. “But the mud-bloods worshipped Mama, and dear Mama was anointed with Jesus-juice whilst being enthroned! It’ll make them worship me too, what!” It’s bread and circuses designed to feed the ego of a thick, fat-fingered twat and his 75-year-old mattress. The humiliating thing for us oiks is that there’s no bread and the circus has this gremlin as it’s ringleader.
  20. Don’t be ridiculous. The Egyptian tourism industry has never recovered from the abolition of the pharaohs.
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