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Everything posted by Bigbrbairn

  1. Think the dressing room bust up theories are gaining ground
  2. Grant and Myles Hogarth make remarkable recoveries. Interesting
  3. If Hartley gets the job I can see us haring up the league
  4. Please don't even think about McCoist. Airds senseless *** rambling was enough to make my blood boil without bringing in Super Billy Boy. I would ask for a season ticket refunds
  5. Found an empty fag packet outside the stadium. It's Latapy's job. Hooray
  6. What's the view on just keeping Big Lee as manager full time? Recently gained his coaching badge. A leap too far for him do you think?
  7. Chicken Pakora. Now that's what I McCall a starter
  8. Quote from Myles Hippolyte I am very sad to hear that Peter Howson has been sacked and I wish him well in the future
  9. How do you think they will unveil Coyle as manager.A magic phone message, the interview being broadcast, coming down in the crane, sitting in the hot tub or showing Bennie T's menu with a Coyle Fish Supper?
  10. I could not take the cut in wages unfortunately. Sports direct are a good solid company
  11. Frank De Boer is still signing the broo? He probably needs a few bob is a free agent and has some Scottish connections
  12. I won't be back till Houston leaves Falkirk. No more ruined Saturdays
  13. This game will be decided at about 2 o'clock when the team is announced. Same as last week = draw at best Two decent fast forwards then it's anyone's guess
  14. Held on. Don't think we would have managed that last week. Don't think we can manage it next week! A wins a win though in our European journey
  15. 2-1 up and defending well by all accounts. Must be time to bring Kerr on and f**k it all up
  16. What we need is to go to Sligo and give them a real doing. Might bring the heads up a bit. But not at all likely!
  17. Houston thinks taking away the players days off will work. If I was asked to work my days off I don't think I would be fresher or more focussed the next week in fact knackered and tense is more likely. Why can't PH understand this or is he one of those guys who think if you punch someone harder you get more respect
  18. Most of us have tried that for a long time watching negative tactics only rescued by very late goals. Now we have had enuff. We go to games for exciting football and PH gives us a game stopper like Mark Kerr and sings his praises. Our squad on paper is filled with decent players who can play at this level but since the league started not one of them has shone. WHY? It has got to be a management issue as not every player goes off their game at the one time. Also niggley injuries are creeping in which usually comes from players being unhappy rather than ill. A change is needed and quick
  19. Make that 4. Seems our defensive problems run deep
  20. Is that inflammation of the cheque book? His nose would have been out of joint with that
  21. If Loy is still injured we have O'Hara Austin and carrot top as our forwards next week. A goal fest on the cards
  22. I wonder what has happened since the start of the season off the park? Attitude has totally changed. The players are showing it in their below par performances and our Peter is showing it with his comments
  23. I have been a Houston fan but we need to change something quick. Think the dressing room is lost by recent injuries behaviours and general attitude. Do we have enough to pay him off? Can we start a collection?
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