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Everything posted by Bigbrbairn

  1. So nearly 1700 of us couldn't give a rats arse if we sign Loy or not!
  2. I think the sentiment behind saying Austin was the best signing is that with Dobbie you knew what you were paying for. Austin scored in the seaside leagues but was untried at this level
  3. Why Loy? If we are going backwards what about Danny McBreen?
  4. A front two of Austin and our marque signing Harry Girdwood. Good to go
  5. Most of our targets will be having a week off this week following their international duties. Next week perhaps
  6. What about the lists of people sending their CVs around clubs desperate for a chance in football? Think that was Will Vaulks route. Worth a chance getting players released by lower league English clubs. Or perhaps I am a dreamer
  7. If Houston does not buy superstars that have international recognition I am not going to buy a season ticket for the team I have followed for 50 years. Instead I intend to walk behind the wife round Falkirk town centre on a match day or perhaps go and watch Kemlin Juniors! What a load of pish! I will be there with my ticket every Saturday I am not working and cheer when we are playing well and shout that's a heap of crap Fawkurk when things are bad. I will back every new signing till they make one bad decision then post that Houstons a idiot for signing them. I will think every young player who breaks through is the new messiah till they prove that they are not ( or sometimes are ) It's the Falkirk Way and always will be
  8. Big signing today Harry Girdwood. I am sure he would
  9. The only signing I want is a player that gets the fans excited. Farid did for a season, Will Vaulks did and Latapy certainly did. Our team of reasonably good journeymen was so boring last season I thought twice about going if it was slightly cold or wet
  10. Just a hope! Well I think we should just go with proven journeymen who have found their level and are more than happy to stay at Falkirk and pay their mortgages
  11. A minority of 2! We need to give young players a chance to shine. Okay watchers say they are not near ready but we need to push them into the side and see or push them out the door as they will never develop
  12. Holiday season is upon us!? The management team takes wee break and some people wet their pants about us not signing anyone. Happens every year.
  13. Does Houston not see the benefit of playing young players or players who want a career i.e. Simon Murray? Vaulks came to us as he was desperate for a career in football and look what he gave us. We need to scout more for players at a young age who perhaps have been released from a bigger club down south as those kids are usually desperate to make a career. Taking players who are proven in the Championship may be safe but won't get us promoted
  14. We definitely need more players who want to develop their careers rather than players who have found their level and are happy to lift the wage they are getting. Sure steady and proven can translate into content lacking Drive and happy with the Championship
  15. Time to regroup. Been very disappointed in the way we played most of the season. No real excitement as Houston concentrates on making us solid. Falkirk fans want to see us going forward faster. Kerr is solid but does not offer us creativity. Baird tries for 90 mins but is not exciting. Get both out. Team should be created with a spine of Grant McKee and Austin with Hippo and a n other wide player. Ohara deserves a good run in team next season as he gives us pace. Should be interesting close season. PS I am alone in preferring us winning in the Championship rather than struggling one tier up?
  16. Craigen and McKee were great signings and I have never heard a bad word about them from any Falkirk fan including myself
  17. Yes. Hippo has been outstanding in that position and teams are starting to fear him. Sibbald is in his natural position for once and thriving. Dropping any of the other two midfielders from today would be harsh as they were excellent but so was McKee on his debut and Aird on his. Kerr must be our man on the bench I think as he could be a valuable sub if we need to defend a lead
  18. Where do we play Taiwo McKee Aird and Craigen? A nice problem to have considering our earlier performances
  19. Saw big Lee with a case of beer but it's okay it was Millers lite
  20. Houston will have his scouts out searching for a right midfielder. Then may even be searching outside the central belt. Nah that's taking it to silly levels!
  21. Yip all we need is a young keeper. That's us set for the title push! Can he play right midfield?
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